
Starting to think june 27th is unlucky for me

So I posted on Monday about the 1 yr anniversary of my first er visit, today is the day I was offically hospitalized and told I had to be induced. I had repeat er visits on the 25 and 26th resulting in discharge from the er early morning of the 27th so I could be officially admitted into labor delivery ward. At 730 pm I was informed my preop results were bad and I was going to be transferred to another hospital. DD was born at 1128pm June 28th. Went from perfect urine and blood test results, just a bad gall bladder "let's see if we can hold off until 36 wks before we do surgery" to "we are gonna observe you and do preop tests just in case... Nevermind the baby has to come right now" in a matter of 3 days. I am paraphrasing of course. It's been a heck of a roller coaster week for me emotionally, but I decided instead of dwelling, we were gonna do our best to replace those scary memories with happy ones. I had everything all set to have my mom arrive from Alabama tomorrow to celebrate dds birthday, an 8 hr drive that she made a year ago today. Everything was good, I was feeling positive and then my mom called. She spent this morning in the hospital. She has a compacted bowel. Thankfully its nothing serious and they can easily clear it up with meds, she won't make it to dds party, but she will be ok. But the time between her calling to let me know she wouldn't make it and the call letting me know what the Dr said was excruciating. I felt like I was back in the hospital again, waiting for answers. My mom told me in the most positive way possible that she had to go to the hospital today, but my mind just went to a very troubling place. I know today isn't really cursed for us, but it sure felt like a kick in the teeth. I feel so horrible for saying this, because I do not want to miss a moment of dds birthday and celebrating her, but I will be so glad when this week is over. Sorry for the probably hard to follow post, I just needed to get it out.
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Re: Starting to think june 27th is unlucky for me

  • I am so sorry... you really needed and deserved today to go smoothly.  Anniversaries are so stressful and then you have added stress... I'm very glad your mom will be ok but I know for me any bump in the road at a time like this can be too much.  I hope that the rest of the day passes quickly and uneventfully.  Hug and hold DD and know that tomorrow was the first full day of her life... celebrate that.  she's come a long way and you should be really proud!!!!

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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  • (Hugs!) I'm sorry this has been a tough week for you. Things are going to get better! I hope that your mom recovers quickly.

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  • rslhmgrslhmg member
    Ty ladies. DD has been extra snuggley all week. It's been much needed extra snuggles too. I'm doing my best to focus on her birthday party, we are having just a small thing with us tomorrow evening and a big party Sunday. It's pretty much going to be a whole weekend of celebrating her, and how far she has come. There have been happy tears this past week as well, not just the upsets, we almost lost her a few times in the nicu, so her just being here is a huge deal to us. I know ladies on this board know how big it is to get here. Ty again for the kind words and support. It helps having people who get where I'm coming from to vent to :
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  • I'm sorry your mom won't be at DD's 1st birthday party. Hopefully she will be able to make it out after she's feeling better.

    Happy Birthday to your little girl. 




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