I have a few questions I'm hoping you lovely, cloth diapering mommas can answer for me! I've never cloth diapered before (FTM), but I'm planning on using prefolds with diaper covers a few weeks after my LO is born. That being said, I came across a listing for 5 thirsties diaper covers, 23 Chinese prefold cloth diapers, 8 custom diapers, one snappi, and 1 wet bag. First of all, what makes it a Chinese prefold? And secondly, how much would you say all of this is worth? How much should I offer? I know the diaper covers run around $10-15 and I saw the prefolds for $2 a piece. TIA!
Re: Quick question!
I never really worried about Chinese vs. Indian prefolds. This sums it up:
Generally, I want to pay around 50% of new prices for used diapers. No more than 75%. So I'd say around $75 - $90 for that lot, depending on condition.
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