April 2013 Moms


what a PITA with a newborn!!!!! We are moving tomorrow and finishing up packing today. Seriously, this sucks. I can't wait for it to be over. 

Re: moving....

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    Ugh don't say that! We are putting our house up for sale next week and I'm dreading it! Good luck to you! 
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    Same boat here, and I received my gift from Mother Nature.. Good week!
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    We just bought a house and are going to be doing renovations before moving in... Looking forward to our new house but not looking forward to doing everything with a newborn!
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    I heard ya! We are moving Saturday. We have the baby and a toddler and I am back to work full time. The house we are moving from is 2 hours from where I work. It is pure hell!! I can't wait for this nightmare to be over!
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    Ugh. We are moving at the end of the month. My DH doesn't want any help except for movers which we really can't afford to move the big items. I want to throw up just thinking about it. I specifically am checking online stuff to avoid starting to pack... I wish I could just go somewhere with DH an LO and come back I have everything done.
    "Screaming Butterfly"

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    We moved last Friday. It was crazy with a 2 and a half year old and a 2 month old. It will probably take us a while to unpack and get things the way we like them. Thank goodness for my mom and mil. I don't think we could've moved without them. Good luck!
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