DS had been STTN in 10-12 hour stretches for the past 4-5 weeks. We've become spoiled by this. We transitioned him to his crib two weeks ago and it went really well until the last couple of nights. He has become a master at rolling from his back to his tummy in his crib, and once he has done it, he wakes up crying. So, we flip him to his back, calm him down, and literally within minutes he is on his tummy again. This went on for two hours last night. I ended up giving in at 2am and putting him in the RNP because the sides don't really allow him to roll. He slept fine the rest of the night in that.
I hated to put him back in the RNP bc we just transitioned out of it! I feel like we are never going to be able to detach from that thing! If your LO has gone through this rolling/waking up phase, how long did it last? Do they just eventually get used to it and start sleeping on their tummy? Right now my DS is having none of it...
Re: Rolling...
I was under the impression that once they start rolling, the RnP and swaddling are no longer safe. I could be completely wrong on that, so please don't think I'm judging.
You know after I posted this I was thinking I had heard the same thing. I need to look into it! She doesn't try to roll in the RNP so for now at least I think it's fine. But swaddling i can see being bad if she can roll.
I am just scared to change anything about her sleeping, she has been such a good sleeper so far!
We don't swaddle anymore, we are using a sleep sack. He was breaking out of his swaddle all the time anyway, and really wanted to suck on his hands, so we just stopped using it. Yeah, our DS doesn't seem to want to roll when in the RNP.
I just wish we could be done with the RNP for good because I am afraid we have built some kind of unhealthy reliance on it and we aren't going to be able to use it forever! That, and I am crazy and over think things like this.