High-Risk Pregnancy

Gallbladder issues

Is anyone else struggling with gallbladder issues? I'm 34 weeks and went to the hospital earlier this week for what I thought was a severe GERD attack. But after the pain would not resolve after throwing the kitchen sink at it in terms of reflux meds, they did a u/s of my gallbladder and found sludge and small stones. I had a consultant with a surgeon who did not want to do surgery this far into my pregnancy unless it was an emergency, which I agree with.

Unfortunately, my pain can not be controlled with diet and seems to be all baby related. I already eat a very healthy, low fat diet and the pain is constant even when not eating. It was fairly well controlled with IV morphine in the hospital, but unfortunately the narcotics they sent me home with don't work nearly as well.

For now, I'm spending my day in bed laying on my left side to take as much baby pressure off my gallbladder area as possible. It's a struggle to make it through one day with this pain...I'm not sure how I will make it the rest of the pregnancy. :(

Is anyone else in a similar predicament?


Re: Gallbladder issues

  • Oh my gosh, I can't imagine dealing with gallbladder pain and being pregnant. I had gallbladder issues about 10 months after I had DD1. The pain was off the charts. I went to the hospital one evening and spent the next week there. I had a stone stuck in my bile duct, which had to be taken out (although my surgeon didn't have much luck, he had to put a stint in, for removal at a later date). Once I had the gallbladder taken out, I felt 100% better.

    As for pain relief I didn't have much luck after the first initial attack. (I went to the doctor two days before I went to the ER). Anyway, I cut out all diary products, anything fatter, sugary stuff too. 




  • imagejcsntms06:

    Oh my gosh, I can't imagine dealing with gallbladder pain and being pregnant. I had gallbladder issues about 10 months after I had DD1. The pain was off the charts. I went to the hospital one evening and spent the next week there. I had a stone stuck in my bile duct, which had to be taken out (although my surgeon didn't have much luck, he had to put a stint in, for removal at a later date). Once I had the gallbladder taken out, I felt 100% better.

    As for pain relief I didn't have much luck after the first initial attack. (I went to the doctor two days before I went to the ER). Anyway, I cut out all diary products, anything fatter, sugary stuff too. 


    Oh goodness, sorry to hear about your bile duct complication! I'm so glad to hear that you feel better now. That gives me hope that there are pain free days ahead even if this continues past delivery.

    Noticed that you have a 34 weeker. I also had a preemie - 33 weeks. Such blessings!

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  • imagesmilejenn:

    Oh my gosh, I can't imagine dealing with gallbladder pain and being pregnant. I had gallbladder issues about 10 months after I had DD1. The pain was off the charts. I went to the hospital one evening and spent the next week there. I had a stone stuck in my bile duct, which had to be taken out (although my surgeon didn't have much luck, he had to put a stint in, for removal at a later date). Once I had the gallbladder taken out, I felt 100% better.

    As for pain relief I didn't have much luck after the first initial attack. (I went to the doctor two days before I went to the ER). Anyway, I cut out all diary products, anything fatter, sugary stuff too. 


    Oh goodness, sorry to hear about your bile duct complication! I'm so glad to hear that you feel better now. That gives me hope that there are pain free days ahead even if this continues past delivery.

    Noticed that you have a 34 weeker. I also had a preemie - 33 weeks. Such blessings!

    I remember you from the preemie board. How are you doing other wise with your pregnancy? 




  • imagejcsntms06:

    Oh my gosh, I can't imagine dealing with gallbladder pain and being pregnant. I had gallbladder issues about 10 months after I had DD1. The pain was off the charts. I went to the hospital one evening and spent the next week there. I had a stone stuck in my bile duct, which had to be taken out (although my surgeon didn't have much luck, he had to put a stint in, for removal at a later date). Once I had the gallbladder taken out, I felt 100% better.

    As for pain relief I didn't have much luck after the first initial attack. (I went to the doctor two days before I went to the ER). Anyway, I cut out all diary products, anything fatter, sugary stuff too. 


    Oh goodness, sorry to hear about your bile duct complication! I'm so glad to hear that you feel better now. That gives me hope that there are pain free days ahead even if this continues past delivery.

    Noticed that you have a 34 weeker. I also had a preemie - 33 weeks. Such blessings!

    I remember you from the preemie board. How are you doing other wise with your pregnancy? 


    I love the preemie board here. Such a supportive environment! Otherwise I'm having a great third trimester. No pre-e issues this time even though I was at high risk of getting it again. We're looking at an induction at some point with this one...but I'm hoping to hold out until 37 weeks so I can experience a "term" birth :)

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