Pre-School and Daycare

Not listening, doing poorly with change

I just got a call from the daycare director, that DD1 is having some issues since her older friends graduated and the younger kids became a part of her prek class.  She's not listening, even ignoring or walking away from teachers who try and correct her.  We had so many issues when DD2 was born and she had made such progress, and now that it's summer it's like everything changed and she just doesn't now how to handle it.

 So what do I do?


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Re: Not listening, doing poorly with change

  • aglennaglenn member
    My DD does this, too, when she is feeling stressed and anxious.  For her it seems to be a control thing, so what helps is to give her as much "control" as possible throughout the day by giving her lots of choices.  Also sticking more strictly to a routine for a while seems to help her.  She does better when she knows what's happening next all the time.  Outside of that, it just takes her some time.  She has to go through an adjustment period when there are big changes but she does get back on track eventually.
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