has anyone brought their baby to an opthamologist for this test?
i have an appointment on monday and i may cancel. my baby was never on oxygen ( too much is what causes rop) and over the weight in which this typically happens. I just feel like i do not want to do things that are not totally neccessary. in order to test this they have to hold her down, clamp open her eyes and dialate the pupils. her eyes are not crossing, she follows light with her eyes, reacts to camera flashes. this is caused by fluid seeping behind the retina because of too much oxygen.
what would you do? i am waiting on my pediatrician to call me back and see what she says.
Re: rop in eyes
I would take him to the ophthalmologist. There are many things other than ROP that can go wrong with a preemie's eyes. The earlier problems are caught, the higher the chances of successful treatment. And if your preemie does have ROP, it can result in total blindness.
For example, one of my twins had ROP that resolved without treatment, thankfully. But next week I'm taking his twin brother, who never had ROP, to the opthamologist because his eyes are crossing
I think you should go, just to make sure everything is ok. My twins were checked once in the NICU and we actually went to our last appointment last week (81/2 months - 5 months adj). Any preemie is at risk, not just those who were on oxygen, they just have a higher risk. It's not my favorite appointment but I know it was the best thing. ROP can move fast if left undiagnosed or untreated so I would at least go to the initial appointment to determine if it's something you shoule worry about. My girls had a very mild form and it never cleared up like they thought it would but we've also not had to do anything about it. The Dr thinks there won't be any issues in the future, but just to make sure we'll go in 1 year from now.