Hi. I've been creepy-lurking since like second tri. I had my first kid, Calvin, about a month ago. I hang out here a lot, especially for those MOTN feedings- I mean, what else am I gonna do, and you guys are super entertaining, and occasionally I stumble across some startlingly good advice.
Anyway, I was a preschool teacher working on my last semester for my BS in psychology, but will stay home with our LO (and finish school) for the first year. My husband is a pool technician and seminary student (but I promise we're cool).
So.. can I play too?
Re: creepy lurker wants to hang
One attention whore of a tabby cat, Dexter. He was 2 weeks old when I found him, bottle Fed and weaned him, so we have kind of a serious bond. Luckily, he likes my kid, too.
Shopping carts: I do always return them. Also, would never "fantasy shop", but totally get when you have to leave a cartful to carry your tantrumer out.
Pouches and produceassextoy: I prefer to chew my food. On both counts.