Chit Chat

Sons of Anarchy (You love it)

September 11 seems so far away, I can't wait to enjoy the next season!!
Trying to Conceive Ticker

Re: Sons of Anarchy (You love it)

  • OMG I know!  I'm still grieving over Opie's death though.  :(

    Me: 30 yrs (PCOS), DH: 28 yrs (SA normal)
    June 19, 2008: Started dating
    August 12, 2012: Got married
    September 2012: Came off BC pills after 12 yrs
    September 2012-May 2013: Irregular periods (every 45-55 days), no positives on OPKs, used fertility friend
    May 2013: Started actively TTC, talked to OB about irregular periods and possible anovulation
    October 2013: HSG all clear, hormone levels normal, U/S showed polycystic ovaries, PCOS diagnosis
    February 2014: Clomid 50mg days 4-8, many follicles on CD14 but none bigger than 8mm
    March 2014: Switched to RE, saline u/s all clear
    April 2014: 3hr glucose showed IR, started on Metformin 1000mg/day, put on low-carb low-sugar diet
    June 2014: Femara 2.5mg x10 on CD3, 19mm follicle on CD17, Ovidrel, TI, Endometrin suppositories = BFP!!!

    Our little one due March 11, 2015

  • I know!!! Poor Tara in the last episode. I have such a love hate relationship with Jemma
    Trying to Conceive Ticker
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