Baby Names

Neighbor dilemma girl name

So I've had baby girl name Lucy picked out since 2007. We decided on Annabel as a middle name pretty much when last son was born. New dilemma...neighbor who moved in a year ago have daughter Annabelle. Nbd. Meet new neighbors next door who just moved in and guess what their daughters name is ...yup its Lucy. So now I feel like I had a pretty original nice name that has now turned into me just mushing their kids names together. Discuss.

Lucy will still be 100 yes. I'm wondering if I should switch Annabel but I have no idea to what. I liked it because it flowed nicely with our last name sounds just like Burning but spelled Ber... Any and all suggestions welcome.
Asher Thomas 5.19.10
Miles Edmund 12.29.11
Liam Robert 1.21.14
Baby 4...ok probably another boy here haha 9.20.15

Re: Neighbor dilemma girl name

  • I would use Annabelle for a middle name if that is what you originally wanted.  If you feel funny using it, you could always mention to your neighbors that you have always loved that name.  I am sure they would be flattered that you like that name as well. 
  • Id stick to my original idea. People are bound to have the same names, just so happened that they moved next door to you.
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  • I'd still use both names. Annabel is going to be your DD's MN, so it's not like you'll use it that often. If your neighbors ever mention it, you can say you had the names picked out years ago, and isn't it funny that they happen to be the names of their kids, ha ha.

    I really don't think this is a big deal

  • This would be a case of if your neighbors make any other comment than "what a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl", they are out of line and being immature. Lucy's parents might up and move in the next 10 years, Annabelle's parents might up and move in the next 10 years, you and your husband might up and move... who cares if your daughter shares one of their names? You are over-thinking it and you could potentially change it and then regret having changed it.

  • That wouldn't deter me at all from using the name if I loved it. Lucy is fairly common and most people won't even know her mn..
  • I love the name Lucy, and I'm so sad my husband hates it. So, I would not let your neighbors keep you from using it. That kind of stuff doesn't bother me, but if it's a really big deal to you, and makes you uncomfortable using the name change the middle name. I just hate to see someone not get to use a name they love and especially one as pretty as Lucy.
  • I would still use both names. 

    If you feel compelled to say something, you can make a joke out of it by complementing her daughter's name. I would not even feel the need to mention your DD's middle name. I think maybe only my parents and husband even know/ remember my DD's middle name.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I really like the two names and together they sound very nice.

    I wouldn't change them..

    Like PP said, they may not be your neighbors forever. Something to keep in mind. 

  • I say use the names you love! You never know the neighbor could move in a year or two and then you'd be kicking yourself for not using the names you love.
  • imagemj.reilly:
    Name your kid what YOU want.

    I would not let my neighbors influence MY child's name. 

    Your child name is for life. Neighbors are often temporary. My child's name being something I love matters more than being worried about having people make a connection. They are common names.

    Lucy Annabel is great.

    All of this.

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  • ZimgerZimger member
    I wouldn't change it because of neighbors. I think it's a lovely name. You should use it if you want to.
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