I feel like this is the never ending topic in my house, I just can't seem to find the perfect stroller. Ever since the dsng, I've always used my combi sport side by side. It works and I like it. However now that LO's are getting bigger, little hands and heads are constantly outside the stroller and I'm a nervous wreck about them getting hurt, not to mention starting to pull stuff off shelves etc. And since it *just* fits through doorways and takes up full aisles in some stores, we've had a few close calls already with pinched fingers and I only see that getting worse. So, I'm again considering a tandem. I had the graco Quattro duo tandem and sold it bc it was way too heavy/bulky for everyday use or me, plus I always liked that they can both see out of a side by side. But I just saw the Joovy caboose too ultralight and it looks interesting and is only 23 pounds!!! Does anyone have any experience with this stroller, or personal pros/cons they can share about their tandems? TIA.
Fraternal twin boys born at 33 weeks 4 days

Re: Considering a tandem stroller...thoughts?
This is the stroller we have (clicky) and I love it so much. The seats can be easily lifted out to face any direction. It steers well and has nice rugged wheels. It also has a little covered storage spot on the handle for your keys or phone. My babies love being able to face each other. It's all kinds of awesome. I highly recommend it.
The clicky didn't work...what brand is this one? It looks super cool. Thanks!
FWIW my boys are two and we use the Combi. It can be tight sometimes but they now understand "Watch your fingers!"
We have this one too (except in grey/green) and I really like it. It may be heavier than what you're looking for. It's the only stroller that we have right now. I use it on a daily basis and have no problem with its weight, and I only weigh 125 pounds! It's good for the arms
My boys really love facing each other too.
Bummer about the clicky. I have the Kohlcraft Contours Optima (I think that's what it's called) You can find it but just googling Kohlcraft tandem. I got mine for $40 at a yard sale because one of the wheels was "broken" but the seller didn't realize that they are supposed to be easily removable and it went back on perfectly. Lucky me!
im reading up in this one as I really like the appearance (and that it's gotten 2 positive reviews here already) but my only concern is the weight/bulk. My graco was 38 pounds and I felt like it was ridiculously cumbersome and this one says its 40....how do you feel it is from that standpoint? Thanks for the feedback!!
This is the one on my registry!!! I've heard nothing but great things about it!!
We have Contours Optima too and it was our only stroller up until this week. We stopped using the DSNG at about 6 months and have been using this since. It does weigh almost 40 lbs, but once you remove the one seat and fold it up, it's very easy to grab and get in and out of the trunk/cargo area. It steers really well and is highly maneuverable. My kids love being able to face each other. The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't have a snack tray. We just bought a Britax B Agile, side by side, for trips to the zoo so they can eat lunch while strolling around and looking at the animals. We will continue to use the Optima for our day to day stroller. I can't say enough good things about it.
IVF #1 was a success! Harrison and Brooke born at 37 weeks. 6lbs8oz and 6lbs11oz. Loving life as a MoM.
Our Little Miracles
The only thing on my registry is this contour optima stroller thanks to all of the praise it gets on this board. My understanding is that with the additional car seat attachment, I can use this from infant on, right? So possibly this could be our "one and done" stroller?
I have a BJCS and love it for shopping, even if it is a bit heavier than a SBS, it's still lighter than a Graco. I've been using it with the seats facing each other since they were about 6 months old. It's expensive but has been well worth the money for me; mine are 2.5 and we've used it since they were 3.5 months old and I have no plans to retire it anytime soon.
I have a Combi and I hate it. It's hard to steer, and low to the ground. My kids are always leaning out and touching the wheels or the ground and it's just a miserable beast to use. I probably haven't used it in a year now. You may be better off with a better SBS like a City Mini Double, if you still want something lightweight.
i figured
. Thanks for all the feedback as always ladies. I'm going to be ordering the kolcraft this week!!! Fingers crossed I love it as much as y'all do!
Yes, with the second infant adapter you can skip getting something like a DSNG and just use this stroller throughout their childhood. I hope you enjoy it!