2nd Trimester

Clutzy but Concerning.

Hey All!

I am almost 17 weeks pregnant with my second child. While sitting down on my glider ottoman tonight reading books to my 3 year old, the ottoman slid out from under my big butt and I hit the floor directly on my butt. It wasn't a terribly hard fall but did startle me (and my daughter who wondered what the heck I was doing on the floor). I will be calling my doc first thing in the morning (it's 10pm now...too late) but wanted some reassurance from Bumpland that everything will be ok?

Re: Clutzy but Concerning.

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    You should be fine. You'd have to have some serious trauma to your person for it to be a concern. Baby is very cushioned in there with lots of fluid. Keep a watch out for cramping, or bleeding-- but you should be alright. 

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    You will probably be fine. Watch for cramping etc but although a painful fall, baby didn't take a direct hit
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