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Shouldn't you spell that Uhdell?
I love the name Adele Rose...beautiful!
Kidcrazy4:Definitely not like Adele the singer! Yikes. no with the ennouncaition on the E for this name
Grace0609:Kidcrazy4:Definitely not like Adele the singer! Yikes. no with the ennouncaition on the E for this name Wait, what? Aw. So it is a strangely spelled name after all. Not a fan.
RoIIo:Shouldn't you spell that Uhdell?
WashingtonQueen:You can not be serious...
Yeah, if you want A-duh-lay, I'd recommend Adelaide. It's not quite the same, but similar.
Adele is pronounced like the singer Adele's name.
Well Adele is pronounced Uh-dell in the US but it's actually an Italian name and its correct pronunciation is Ah-deh-leh. This is how I pronounce this name, no matter where I am. I know more than one Adele.
Still, there's no need for any apostrophes.
1) I would not put an apostrophe in a name.
2) The word you are looking for is enunciation.
3) You will be explaining that you are not pronouncing it like the singer...all the time. So will your child.
I think you should reconsider this choice.
Re: It's a girl!
Shouldn't you spell that Uhdell?
I love the name Adele Rose...beautiful!
What are you saying here? You wouldn't pronounce it as Ah Dell like the singer? How would you pronounce it?
Wait really? Are you trying to make it hard on your kids with the unique spellings and pronoounciations?
Thinking the same thing.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
Yeah, if you want A-duh-lay, I'd recommend Adelaide. It's not quite the same, but similar.
Adele is pronounced like the singer Adele's name.
Well Adele is pronounced Uh-dell in the US but it's actually an Italian name and its correct pronunciation is Ah-deh-leh. This is how I pronounce this name, no matter where I am. I know more than one Adele.
Still, there's no need for any apostrophes.
1) I would not put an apostrophe in a name.
2) The word you are looking for is enunciation.
3) You will be explaining that you are not pronouncing it like the singer...all the time. So will your child.
I think you should reconsider this choice.