August 2012 Moms

MOTY :-(

today was the first day of swim and out outdoor community pool.  it's been beautiful and 80 or more for weeks now.

today its 65 and rainy! we decided to go anyway since I was in this pool last summer and they heat it to like 80 degrees.  which felt nice last summer, but not as much today.  everyone in the class had blue lips and a bit of the shivers.

so she did well will all the activities, including being ok "jumping" aka being lifted from the side of the pool into my arms and the instructors arms in the pool.

then near the end of class, she was standing on the side in water only up to her armpits, holding onto the side rail of the pool. I had my hands loosely around her waist and the next thing I know she's completely head under the water. it was just a dip, but she wasn't a huge fan and she must have swallowed some because she spit up a bit on the way home.

she seems to be doing ok, but I may not sleep well tonight after the dry drowning article DH sent me today. no personality change, she's breathing just fine, and wasn't overly sleepy (the signs they point to with dry drowning) but still... moty here.

10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
4/26/11 HPT+ 4/28/11 +Blood test! HCG 67 5/24/11 Blighted Ovum.
6/11-11/11 Non ovulatory cycles
12/18/11 HPT+ 12/20/11 +Blood Test HCG 165 12/27/11 Beta test HCG 6411
12/29/11 Beta 11264 1/30/11 Wiggler w/ HB 160+
Grow Baby Grow!!!! Please be our rainbow!
Rainbow Born 8/22, so in love with our little girl!
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Re: MOTY :-(

  • skoozskooz member
    Sorry that happened :( I get being informed, but I wish I had never seen that article. I am paranoid now because DD is always super sleepy after swim class and sleepiness was one of the symptoms in that article. Glad you were right there though, I'm sure she's fine!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • yeah, i'm sure she is ok too, she had plenty of energy this evening, I just hope that combined with it being so cold doesn't make her hate swim lessons.  its supposed to be high 90's by the end of the week so we just have to get through one more cold lesson.
    10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
    4/26/11 HPT+ 4/28/11 +Blood test! HCG 67 5/24/11 Blighted Ovum.
    6/11-11/11 Non ovulatory cycles
    12/18/11 HPT+ 12/20/11 +Blood Test HCG 165 12/27/11 Beta test HCG 6411
    12/29/11 Beta 11264 1/30/11 Wiggler w/ HB 160+
    Grow Baby Grow!!!! Please be our rainbow!
    Rainbow Born 8/22, so in love with our little girl!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker</a
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  • imageskooz:
    Sorry that happened :( I get being informed, but I wish I had never seen that article. I am paranoid now because DD is always super sleepy after swim class and sleepiness was one of the symptoms in that article. Glad you were right there though, I'm sure she's fine!

    Me too. Cam usually gets her face in the water at least once in the bath and sometimes drinks her water too fast. I am now paranoid about her dry drowning after these. This is a case where I feel I was better off not knowing.

    Glad you made it through, I bet she's fine. Hopefully your weather surprises you next week and it's nice! 

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  • imagehalvorsonl00:

    Sorry that happened :( I get being informed, but I wish I had never seen that article. I am paranoid now because DD is always super sleepy after swim class and sleepiness was one of the symptoms in that article. Glad you were right there though, I'm sure she's fine!

    Me too. Cam usually gets her face in the water at least once in the bath and sometimes drinks her water too fast. I am now paranoid about her dry drowning after these. This is a case where I feel I was better off not knowing.

    Glad you made it through, I bet she's fine. Hopefully your weather surprises you next week and it's nice! 

    LO's fallen in the bath before, the day we made the transition from the baby tub to her ducky blow up tub. and she slipped in DH's hands a few weeks ago in the pool at a friends house.  so far that hasn't scared her off of being in the water, more scares us.

    at least the article DH sent me had signs to look for. being more tired than usual, being way moody, wheezing...

    as to the weather, its supposed to be lovely wed, getting warm thurs and near 100 all weekend :-)

    10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
    4/26/11 HPT+ 4/28/11 +Blood test! HCG 67 5/24/11 Blighted Ovum.
    6/11-11/11 Non ovulatory cycles
    12/18/11 HPT+ 12/20/11 +Blood Test HCG 165 12/27/11 Beta test HCG 6411
    12/29/11 Beta 11264 1/30/11 Wiggler w/ HB 160+
    Grow Baby Grow!!!! Please be our rainbow!
    Rainbow Born 8/22, so in love with our little girl!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker</a
  • imageLiliDragon:
    I'm assuming you're worried about secondary drowning, not dry drowning, right? In order for that to happen, she would have had to basically almost drown. When I was a lifeguard I always sent "victims" to the hospital if they were submerged and effectively "drowning." You don't need to worry about that just from dunking your baby. When I was a swimming teacher, I encouraged people to do it to get babies used to the water. Lili floats on her back without support because she is so comfortable in the water. She also loves being submerged. My H and I pass her back and forth under the water. If you are MOTY then I must be MOTC. ;] ETA from what I understand "dry drowning" is usually chemical or due to a lung puncture. Secondary drowning occurs when the lungs fill with water due to almost drowning.
    idk, the article called it "dry drowning" meaning inhaling water and it creating issues up to 24 hours later.

    the lifeguards weren't worried, i made sure to make eye contact with them when she calmed down a bit.  they all just kinda looked over and nodded their heads when she started crying when she came back up.

    i'd love for her to be comfortable under the water.  she loved tummy floating (face out of the water) but wasn't a fan of back floating.  but this was only her 2nd time ver being in a pool.  we dont' have one, but we have friends who do and i don't want to be freaking out every time we go over there.

    10/15/10 HPT+ 10/16/10 +blood test! missed m/c found at 17w, gone at aprox 14w., D&C
    4/26/11 HPT+ 4/28/11 +Blood test! HCG 67 5/24/11 Blighted Ovum.
    6/11-11/11 Non ovulatory cycles
    12/18/11 HPT+ 12/20/11 +Blood Test HCG 165 12/27/11 Beta test HCG 6411
    12/29/11 Beta 11264 1/30/11 Wiggler w/ HB 160+
    Grow Baby Grow!!!! Please be our rainbow!
    Rainbow Born 8/22, so in love with our little girl!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker</a
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