August 2013 Moms

Sick of it

I don't understand why the regulars and oldies on this board are treating all the new people like crap. We are all pregnant and hormonal but this is ridiculous. Some of us new people have questions and we have every right to come on here and ask.

I'm so sick of seeing all the oldies ganging up on people. No wonder July 2013 hates you guys!

I will not be coming here anymore!

Re: Sick of it

  • You made a new name just to say you aren't coming back?

    Ok bye.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    <3 Mama to 2 girls - H&I <3
  • Yawn....
        DS born 8-16-2013
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  • Care to give some examples? I feel it has been pretty calm here lately....



  • image

    a) Are you sure you're talking about us?

    b) You won't be coming here anymore...and this was your first post? Color me confuzzled. 



  • Nice to meet you. I'm not sure what you're referring to considering how this is your first post. Feel free to call those out individually who pissed you off instead of cowardly hiding behind this pointless post. I must not have gotten the memo about the July 2013 ladies since some of them are also active on our board, but thanks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Man oh man. I like this board, whhhateva
    photo df19160f-bf4d-4b1a-aa18-f922c7344247.jpgphoto 6650edf4-b52e-4beb-a3cd-6bdc9480c61c.jpg
    ~may siggy challenge~

    photo IMG_20140501_070346.gif photo IMG_20140501_071323.gif
  • Is this the sequel?
  • Who's being fresh? I haven't seen any August to August fighting? Did I miss something!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You have every right to ask questions, and we have every right to reply with a variety of awesome gifs.

    What's your point?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I have not seen any mean posts.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You are super original. Sorry not all of us sh!t rainbows.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Also, I am pretty sure there are several ladies from July that post over here. Yep thanks!! Just thought I'd point that out.

  • imageamarissa85:




  • Uhhhh did i miss something? Im not super original to the board. But i feel like these ladies are super sweet. Yes they call you out if need be. But sometimes people need calling out.

    Btw i love the gifts every time i see them they make me smile.
  • Nice to meet you and buh bye!!
  • Assuming is rude.. Looks like the tables are turned hmm. If ladies were being mean I'm pretty sure they would straight up just call you a twat waffle. Opinions are different, deal with it
    photo df19160f-bf4d-4b1a-aa18-f922c7344247.jpgphoto 6650edf4-b52e-4beb-a3cd-6bdc9480c61c.jpg
    ~may siggy challenge~

    photo IMG_20140501_070346.gif photo IMG_20140501_071323.gif
  • imageamarissa85:
    Also, I am pretty sure there are several ladies from July that post over here. Yep thanks!! Just thought I'd point that out.

    Prim pops over all the time! She the only one I actually  recognize but I am sure there are others.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • imageKatieR2310:
    Assuming is rude.. Looks like the tables are turned hmm. If ladies were being mean I'm pretty sure they would straight up just call you a twat waffle. Opinions are different, deal with it

    You know what they say. Dont assume it makes an out of you and me.
  • I am "new" to the board and have actually felt quite welcomed. I lurked for a while but didn't start posting frequently until recent. In fact, I enjoy the broad spectrum of answers. Sometimes the answers may not sound too "nice" but they are honest. Usually the questions are questions that no one has answers to and people take offense when there are sarcastic answers. We are all women (well sometimes dads post so sometimes men), pregnant, and hormonal. Don't take life too seriously. :)
    A'13 June Siggy Contest- TV Dads
  • imagecrogers19:

    Also, I am pretty sure there are several ladies from July that post over here. Yep thanks!! Just thought I'd point that out.

    Prim pops over all the time! She the only one I actually  recognize but I am sure there are others.

    There are a couple others that bounce between boards but yes, prim is one. 


  • Wait, wait! Are you the one who posted a photo of the crib your Mom bought for you? Got a bit butthurt and decided to make an AE?

    I think maybe so!



  • imageamarissa85:

    God I love you so much!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Dear OP:




    With love and unicorn farts,

    Aug '13 



  • Did I miss something? Or is this the same scorned person coming back week after week with a new name?
  • imageMommyAmes2:
    Wait, wait! Are you the one who posted a photo of the crib your Mom bought for you? Got a bit butthurt and decided to make an AE? I think maybe so!

    That's what I was thinking.

    For the record it's not even a picture. It's a non clicky link as if we are going to take the time to check out a complete strangers crib.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    <3 Mama to 2 girls - H&I <3
  • imageTurtleMomma:
    God I love you so much!

    HAHA!! <3 


  • imagesuchgreatheights324:
    I'm sick of there not being enough supernatural gifs. It's like you ladies have abandoned them. I'm really upset. On a related note, I'm mobile so I can't post one. My laptop is allllllll the way in the car.


    whoa whoa whoa! I *just* posted one in that crappy crib post! I'll accept that apology now. ;) 



  • my guess is that this is Keyloscj 

    of the post "Pic in post, I hope. Lol crib"


    look. I am sure you are excited about the crib. a chill pill would help though...  

    When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

    Baby Boy M - 08/01/2013 

    Expecting Baby Bean February 2017
  • imageBabymommaaug13:
    I don't understand why the regulars and oldies on this board are treating all the new people like crap. We are all pregnant and hormonal but this is ridiculous. Some of us new people have questions and we have every right to come on here and ask. I'm so sick of seeing all the oldies ganging up on people. No wonder July 2013 hates you guys! I will not be coming here anymore!


       image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
    photo s622_zps5a9557e5.jpg photo 7ed57166-3187-446e-8404-f2ef169fe40f_zps238c4d05.jpg photo s620_zps504f3ce2.jpg
  • imageLAMuehlen:
    Uhhhh did i miss something? Im not super original to the board. But i feel like these ladies are super sweet. Yes they call you out if need be. But sometimes people need calling out.

    Btw i love the gifts every time i see them they make me smile.

    this! I get on as much as possible and have never seen an issue with the responses..the gifs are an added bonus!
  • Dude, you know what's funny? I was just talking to DH earlier today and I said it's been a while since we have had one of these posts and now that I mention it there will be one today..... Well gee, OP, thanks for making me right!!!
  • imageWashingtonQueen:
    Dude, you know what's funny? I was just talking to DH earlier today and I said it's been a while since we have had one of these posts and now that I mention it there will be one today..... Well gee, OP, thanks for making me right!!!

    Maybe OP is your dh :O


    Married 07/17/2010
    Diagnosed with PCOS 10/20/2010 
    TTC since Oct 2010 
    BFP #1 March 31st 2011 Due December 10 2011 
    Missed m/c discovered June 2nd 2011 at 12w4d
    D&C scheduled June 7th 2011 at 13w2d
    Found out our baby boy had Triploidy XXY through embryopathology
    BFP #2 September 28th 2011 Due June 8th 2012
    Missed m/c discovered November 20th 2011 at 11w2d
    D&C November 29th 2011 at 12w4d
    Found out our baby girl had Monosomy X through embryopathology
    BFP #3 April 24th 2012 Due January 5th 2013
    Betas falling on 04/26/12 Chemical Pregnancy
    RPL testing done, multi nodular goiters on thyroid discovered.

    BFP #4 November 22nd 2012, Due August 5th 2013
    Betas: 17 @ 9dpo, 62 @ 11dpo, 124 @ 12dpo, 321 @ 14dpo 720 @ 16dpo 13,805 @ 23 dpo 
    First ultrasound at 6w3d, hb 122 bpm. 
    Second ultrasound at 7w3d hb 143 bpm 
    Third ultrasound at 10w1d hb 167-170 bpm 
    Forth ultrasound 12w1d hb 167 bpm 
    Graduated rpl program, moving on to regular ob! 
    It's a boy! 

    Little man was born August 1st 2013, 7lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long

  • image

    I wondered how long it would be until we got one of these, what with the huge influx of new posters the last few days...

    Ezra James 08/22/2013  <3
    Nora Grace Due 12/26/2016  <3

    Two Angel Babies 

    "If you're still my small babe
    or you're all the way grown,
    my promise to you
    is you're never alone.
    You are my angel, my darling,
    my star...and my love will find you,
    wherever you are."
  • imageMissuskeekers:
    Dude, you know what's funny? I was just talking to DH earlier today and I said it's been a while since we have had one of these posts and now that I mention it there will be one today..... Well gee, OP, thanks for making me right!!!
    Maybe OP is your dh :O

    LOL! Highly doubtful. :)

  • imageBabymommaaug13:
    I don't understand why the regulars and oldies on this board are treating all the new people like crap. We are all pregnant and hormonal but this is ridiculous. Some of us new people have questions and we have every right to come on here and ask.

    I'm so sick of seeing all the oldies ganging up on people. No wonder July 2013 hates you guys!

    I will not be coming here anymore!

    I'm a regular on July 13. We don't hate August 13 at all. Where did that come from?! There are many of us with late July due dates that are active on both BMB.

    So yeah, you've got your head in your butt on so many levels. Peace out.

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • You all just keep getting worse. And it's all the "regulars" being douches.

  • imageBabymommaaug13:
    You all just keep getting worse. And it's all the "regulars" being douches. Ugh.


    Ezra James 08/22/2013  <3
    Nora Grace Due 12/26/2016  <3

    Two Angel Babies 

    "If you're still my small babe
    or you're all the way grown,
    my promise to you
    is you're never alone.
    You are my angel, my darling,
    my star...and my love will find you,
    wherever you are."
  • imageBabymommaaug13:
    You all just keep getting worse. And it's all the "regulars" being douches.


    Oh oh name names!! Give examples! What are you talking about?

    /makes nachos, fajita chicken

    /popcorn is out! Kettle corn and butter flavored bizsnatches!

    Also, I've got the candy bar open. This could get fun!

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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