It's the name of a character in a book. She's probably in her 70s and no full name is mentioned. Anyone ever heard it before? Any ideas on what it could be a nn for? Just curious because it has me stumped.
According to nameberry it was a name that peaked in the 1880s-1890s. But that is all it said. Might be a stand alone.
babycenter had basically the same info. No meaning or origin, which makes me think it was first of all a nn that some peaople started using as a stand alone name. Related names were Hessa, Hasi, Haze, Hussa, Hissa, Hassa, Hazie, Hays, Hessah, Hazey, Heza, Hisa, Hazy, Haizea, Has, Hussah, Hesa, Hezza, Haize, Hessie. Evidently it was also the name of a character in The Real McCoys.
It's my friends last name they pronounce it with a z sound.. Also my mom works at a nursing home and one of the ladies is Hassie, it was her mothers maiden name.
Re: Hassie
BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d
BFP #3 5/25/14 - EDD 2/1/15 - Hoping this is our 2nd little owl
A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart
but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!
This was my thought too
That's where my mind went too.
Team Purple!!!!
Hmmm, and I went to Lassie...
April 2013: Femara + Trigger + IUI = ???
The only thing that occurred to me was Hadassah
A quick google search said it's a NN for Hester
I know of the Dutch male name of Hassel (Ha-sell) ......not like Hat....but like Hot , without the T's
could be a feminine form of that
My great grandmother's name was Hassie, just Hassie. She was Native American born on the early 1900s.
I thought it looked like "hassle"