
Potty training advice?

This has been going on for what seems like forever. LO is 2 yrs and 4 mos old. She is pottying like a champ for daycare now. She does all her peeing in the potty.

But when we get home.. different kid. She does not even care if she's wet or poopy. Ill take her to the potty and it becomes a game. She sits on the potty for literally 2 seconds, says "I'm done!" and washes her hands. This is all she will do for me.

How can I make her take it seriously while at the same time not scare her away from it?
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Potty training advice?

  • imagefredalina:
    Try telling her you're going to stay long enough to sing the alphabet song or another favorite song. Or to read a short book. Or even give her something fun to play with on the potty. DD really enjoyed playing with my necklaces, or "jewels".

    Oh wow! That's actually how I get her to take her inhaler with the mask. She has to take 6 breaths with the mask, so we count to get her to do it. Dunno why I didn't think of this for the potty.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I'm lost at this PT a girl bit.  We tried over the weekend and she would sit on the potty as often as I aked for anywhere from 5 seconds to 10 minutes.  She didn't go all morning even with drinking tons of juice and water and all in an attempt to help this along.

    Come afternoon she was a crying screaming mess because she had to go so bad but wouldn't go in the bathroom or even have an accident. 

    We finally gave up and put a diaper on her which she promptly filled. 

    13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.



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