July 2013 Moms

36 Week Growth Scan

Quick poll who has/ is getting a 36 wk growth ultrasound?

Background: never was asked to have one with DS. Was at my checkup today speaking to dr and asked him how big he thought LO was. His response was "not big". He asked that I call the hospital to go in for a growth ultrasound this week. Just trying to take a read on how freaked out I should be.

Re: 36 Week Growth Scan

  • I've seen some people post about 36 week growth scans and I was wondering the same thing. Maybe this is routine? I'm pretty sure I'm not scheduled for one. On another note I feel like I'm growing a toddler in there! Doctor said he was normal sized by pushing around. FTM so I guess he just feels big!
  • dliz87dliz87 member
    That was it? He didn't explain other than "not big"? I would call and talk to a nurse and explain your appointment and ask why he ordered the ultrasound before I started to even think about worrying.

    He's a man of pretty few words. Nice guy, just not verbose. I didn't get this scan last time, but was asked to this time which is really what is making me wonder. I'm not completely freaking out, but just figured I'd ask to see how many others got this scan. My thought process was, the more yeses, the more common, the less to worry.
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  • dliz87dliz87 member
    I've seen some people post about 36 week growth scans and I was wondering the same thing. Maybe this is routine? I'm pretty sure I'm not scheduled for one.nbsp;On another notenbsp;I feel like I'm growing a toddler in there! Doctor said he was normal sized by pushing around. FTM so I guess he just feels big!

    Haha! Wait until he comes out and you see how small he is in relation to say, 3 month onesies vs newborn. Then he will seem so tiny again!
  • I had one and I'm glad I did.  It is important also to make sure baby is in the right position.  If I were you I would be calling my Dr.


    Baby girl #1 7/11/13

    Baby girl #2 4/30/15

    Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!


  • I wouldn't worry - I am guessing his "not big" comment was in response to fundal height which can be off - he really doesn't have any way of knowing how big or small he is.

    And it seems that some Dr offices only do the 20 week scan and others it seems routine to do one later in pregnancy too.   My particular Dr office only does the 20 week unless at the end your fundal height is measuring off by a lot  - but even in that case they acknowledge that it may not mean anything (I'm not sure how much off it has to be to warrant a scan as I have been classified as high risk and have regular scans anyways)


    ETA - I would definitely do the scan but I wouldn't let it stress you out!

  • I had a growth scan at 36w6d, but it was for a medical reason and not just for checking on my "not big" baby.



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  • I'm a FTM so I don't have past experience, but I didn't have one yet. Every appointment my midwife says I'm right on track... I hadn't heard of people getting them after the 20(ish) week scan unless medically necessary.

  • dliz87dliz87 member
    I wouldn't worry I am guessing his "not big" comment was in response to fundal height which can be off he really doesn't have any way of knowing how big or small he is.And it seems that some Dr offices only do the 20 week scan and others it seems routine to do one later in pregnancy too. nbsp; My particular Dr office only does the 20 week unless at the end your fundal height is measuring off by a lotnbsp; but even in that case they acknowledge that it may not mean anything I'm not sure how much off it has to be to warrant a scan as I have been classified as high risk and have regular scans anywaysnbsp;ETA I would definitely do the scan but I wouldn't let it stress you out!

  • I have one tomorrow. They made it sound like it is just standard procedure. I didn't know I would get more than one
    Me:33/DH: 34
    Married: July 28, 2012
    DD: July 29, 2013
    DS: July 1, 2015
    Current EDD: May 15, 2017
  • je2161je2161 member
    I had a growth ultrasound at 36w. Baby measured 7lb 1oz. Tech said "she's a chubby baby!" Lol

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  • imageKdgTeacher:
    I had a growth scan at 36w6d, but it was for a medical reason and not just for checking on my "not big" baby.nbsp;nbsp;

    Really?...I'm assuming her Dr assessed her fundal height and made a guesstimate of babie's size. If he is concerned about IUGR, it is a pretty legitimate medical reason for a noninvasive screening such as an ultrasound, but it's great to know yours was for an actual medical reason.

    OP most likely he is concerned enough to take a look, but not concerned enough to scare you. Weight estimates are pretty limited in their accuracy and it sounds like he just wants to be safe rather than sorry. I would try not to worry yourself too much!
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  • I did not have one with my first, but will be having one at 38 weeks with this one. We are trying for a VBAC, so we want to be as prepared as possible. I wouldn't worry unless the doctor seems worried. He is likely just wanting to be extra sure everything is okay!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I don't think you should freak out. I'll share with you what I have learned. I have been having weekly ultrasounds for about a month now to check for growth and my fluid level. It started because my fundal height which had been about two weeks small fell a little more behind one week. At my first ultrasound my girl was in the 16th percentile, my Dr said anything above 10th percentile is fine but if she reached 10th percentile or smaller my csection would be moved up. She also has told me the only times she saw a problem with a small baby was when it was smaller then 5th percentile. My fluid level was at 10 my first ultrasound, which is okay but was on the low side of normal so I have been having to have it monitored as well. It's been hanging out at 8 the last few weeks which is driving me crazy since I know it could be reaching a dangerous level at any point. Incase they say anything about low fluid to you, most Drs let it go till level 5 at which point they delivery right away. I have another fluid check today, hoping its still good and that she gets to stay put till my scheduled csection this Friday.

    baby #1 boy 11.1.02 baby #2 boy 2.25.04 baby #3 girl 6.28.13 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker my blog
  • imageholagal:
    I had a growth scan at 36w6d, but it was for a medical reason and not just for checking on my "not big" baby.nbsp;nbsp;
    Really?...I'm assuming her Dr assessed her fundal height and made a guesstimate of babie's size. If he is concerned about IUGR, it is a pretty legitimate medical reason for a noninvasive screening such as an ultrasound, but it's great to know yours was for an actual medical reason. !

    Granted I'm not an MD, but dealing with SGA/IUGR pregnancy, I highly doubt IUGR would only be mentioned NOW at 36 weeks when SOP for IUGR is delivery between 37-38 wks.  We've been tracking out LO for over 10 weeks watching this.  I'll also say that my fundal height in no way shape or form played a role in our DX.  

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  • AiylinAiylin member
    So I had one last week. Baby is big measuring at approximately 6 lbs 11 oz as of last week. Head is in the 95th percentile. Boy am I glad that I am scheduled for a RCS right about now...


  • I have a growth scan tomorrow (I'll be 35w 2d). I've been measuring behind by almost a week in fundal height since my 28 week appt. My doctor says she's not concerned she just thinks that I will have a smaller baby like 6 or 7 pounds she doesn't want me to have an 8 pounder anyway she's said. I'm only 5'1. She's just checking to be on the safe side. I think you're okay but call your doctor to be sure! Good luck
  • imageKdgTeacher:

    I had a growth scan at 36w6d, but it was for a medical reason and not just for checking on my "not big" baby.nbsp;nbsp;

    Really?...I'm assuming her Dr assessed her fundal height and made a guesstimate of babie's size. If he is concerned about IUGR, it is a pretty legitimate medical reason for a noninvasive screening such as an ultrasound, but it's great to know yours was for an actual medical reason.


    Granted I'm not an MD, but dealing with SGA/IUGR pregnancy, I highly doubt IUGR would only be mentioned NOW at 36 weeks when SOP for IUGR is delivery between 37-38 wks.  We've been tracking out LO for over 10 weeks watching this.  I'll also say that my fundal height in no way shape or form played a role in our DX.  

    Fundal height is usually used as a screener for IUGR. Most likely if it was an issue I agree it would have shown up earlier, but it's possible and may be one of the reasons her doctor is checking. He could also be checking for low fluids or something else that I don't know about since I didnt go to medical school. I think you may have missed my point entirely. I wasn't saying she had IUGR or that is what he was looking for. I was simply stating that a small baby estimated by fundal height might warrant a Dr to pursue further screening, which would be a legitimate medical reason.
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  • They are routine in my OB's office (in Canada). I'm sure he would have said a bit more if he was concerned? You should call back though if it's worrying you, there's no point in worrying until you've spoken to your doctor/ nurse. 
  • i never had a 36 week u/s with any of my 3 preg but i also live in canada so maybe its dif if you live in the USA? i just noticed alot of the ladies here live in the USA ... not knowing you do or anything lol..
  • imageskleigh:
    My ob does a scan at 36 weeks to check fluid levels, growth, etc. I'll have mine done on Thursday. From what I can gather, providers either stop after the 20 week anatomy scan or do another one at 28 and 36 weeks.

    It is routine to do a 36 week growth/position scan at my OB's practice.  My LO was measuring at 6 lb. 10 oz. which is the 73rd percentile. 

  • I am getting one and looking forward to it! I had one last time as well, I think because I was measuring 3 cm big for several weeks, but I don't think they had any serious medical concerns as I had a totally smooth pregnancy. I asked my OB about it this time and she said it is not routine but since I was again measuring just 2cm big for a few visits they could do one if I wanted to-even though the size estimate can be off, I am just curious approximately how big he is, whether he is for sure head down, etc. Plus we haven't seen him in 16 weeks, I want to see him! :)

     I wouldn't be freaked out, I am sure everything is fine-you can always call and ask the dr office for more info or clarification if you need to! 

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  • fabkfabk member

    I had mine today. For my OB, its a standard practice to make sure Babe is in position and nothing is looking wonky. In which case she would refer me to a larger hospital.

    If you have concerns or questions, ask your Dr.

  • RDK24RDK24 member
    It's standard at my doctor's practice to get an idea of how big the baby is at 36 weeks, FWIW!
  • We have a routine scan at the OB's office around 36 weeks. They like to check positioning and fluid levels as well as get a look at the placenta.  I wouldn't worry about anything particular yet, it will be nice to see your LO again and they can give you more accurate estimates of size than palpation alone.    
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  • dliz87dliz87 member
    Thanks everyone! It is nice to know that many of you have had the growth scan done as something nonroutine and had things work out well. My scan is scheduled for thurs, so a few more days of waiting and I will have answers!
  • dliz87dliz87 member
    We have a routine scan at the OB's office around 36 weeks. They like to check positioning and fluid levels as well as get a look at the placenta. nbsp;I wouldn't worry about anything particular yet, it will be nice to see your LO again and they can give you more accurate estimates of size than palpation alone. nbsp; nbsp;

    There is a definite upside to this, which is getting to see LO! It's been a while!
  • I'm getting one but just because she was measuring almost 4 lbs (in the 96th percentile) at 30 weeks.  I also have a 23 cm fibroid that he keeps checking on to see if its going to complicate things but so far, it's all going well!
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