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Waking up to the sun shining, even if it's before 5:00 a.m
Being the one to finish off a container or jar of something and throwing it out
DD asking to cuddle mommy and daddy
A good song on my playlist that I haven't heard in a long time
I'll agree with Melissa on the napping. Its heaven when everybody is napping or independently entertained all at the same time.
When I can make it to or home from work without hitting a single traffic light!
I'll be happy when the temperature cools down for running again. 65-70 is the perfect temperature for running.
When I call my BFF to chat and we don't have to play phone tag for multiple days. It's nice when both have some time to talk at the same time!
Re: Randoms The happy edition
Corn Twists
Foot rubs that aren't used as a notsosubtle way to try and have sex.
Finding out the one thing I really need to buy actually is on sale.
My kids' laughter
Starbucks gift cards.
Garlic sauce.
Waking up to the sun shining, even if it's before 5:00 a.m
Being the one to finish off a container or jar of something and throwing it out
DD asking to cuddle mommy and daddy
A good song on my playlist that I haven't heard in a long time
Sitting on the beach watching children slpash in the water.
The first fall day when you get to pull out that big comfy swearter.
The fresh smell on line dried clothes.
Ice cream
I'll agree with Melissa on the napping. Its heaven when everybody is napping or independently entertained all at the same time.
When I can make it to or home from work without hitting a single traffic light!
I'll be happy when the temperature cools down for running again. 65-70 is the perfect temperature for running.
When I call my BFF to chat and we don't have to play phone tag for multiple days. It's nice when both have some time to talk at the same time!