Sorry for another post so soon but I'm hoping that someone here might have some ideas.
We've had quite a flew flies in the back yard since the weather has warmed up and they're annoying the heck out of the dogs. It's gotten to the point where they're actually making little spots on the back of their ears bleed from where I'm guessing they're biting. We've tried apple cider vinegar and lemon EO with no success, and we'd rather not put any harsh chemicals on them since they tend to lick themselves.
Does anyone have any experience with this or know of anything pet-safe that will effectively get rid of flies?
Re: Natural fly repellent
I usually hang a fly sticks close to the door,and i put gnat stix on my plant,I also have some of the carnivorous plants to help with spiders or any other kind of insets.I usually get them at amazon,and they dont have any pesticide,and they are non-toxic.those are the product that i got at amazon,and this little plan they really do they job.
what happen to my picture.ooh