
Samsung Galaxy 4 reviews?

I am seriously considering getting a new phone which isn't an iPhone. My iPhone 4 isn't working too well--it is over 2.5 years old; and my DH has an iPhone 5, which he isn't crazy about--there are a lot of things with it that he doesn't like or just annoy him.

I don't like that there isn't a spot for a micro SD card--my iPhone is filled and I either have to transfer files to the cloud or the computer, which neither makes it that accessible on my phone--so I am looking at phones through verizon that allow micro SD cards, and this came up as one.

So does anyone have any reviews about this phone?  

My daughter is my hero.

Re: Samsung Galaxy 4 reviews?

  • Lurker here. DH has it. Pictures are amazing. I'm an apple type of girl so I can't say I love his phone. I feel like its got to much going on for me, but the graphics are cool. He really loves it, but the battery definitely drains fast.
    Andrea 7/9/08, Joaquin 4/18/11, boy coming 12/18/13 Forever missed: Gabriel 11/24/09 at 20 weeks
  • I have the 2, it is way better than the iPhone. Dh has the iPhone and can't wait to be rid of it. The 4 has more bells and whistles than mine, but it operates so much like a tablet. Takes fantastic pics and videos, the apps don't stall and chug like the iPhone, streaming works well and easy to use if you're tech saavy. I also like the Note 2. I'm seriously considering getting the Galaxy tablet too and lett the kids have th iPad.
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  • I have the 3 and I love, love, love it.  DH has the exact same phone.  We both use our phones for practically everything and it's pretty easy to use and I like all the features.  A lot of my friends who have been die hard iPhone enthusiasts are actually making the switch to Android so you are not alone.

    image image
  • We have it. Amazing. Beautiful screen. So fast. Amazing photos. Love it.

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