So on other boards people have been talking about how long to wait before trying for the next LO, and one consequence that has been cited is that close together can increase changes for preterm labor. I am 35, was 7 weeks early with no explanation, and had sort of borderline hyperemesis, borderline gd, borderline pregnancy-induced high blood pressure... I don't want to wait too long for number 2 because of my age, but I don't want my apparently unsuitable body to be even less suitable for number 2 by not waiting... Did your preemie affect your decision?
Re: did having a preemie influence the timing of your next?
I just finished my first cycle TFAS this month. Our preemie is 8 months old, a little over 6 adjusted. He arrived early after spontaneous PTL. I talked with my OB about this. She said it didn't matter if I got pregnant this summer or in two years, the higher risk of another preemie is the same. If we are lucky enough to get pregnant again, I'm hoping that I'll be monitored more closely so that interventions can be implemented if necessary.
It's going to be a risk, no matter when. Good luck to you!
I took advice of my doctor and waited at least the year for my body to heal. We didn't started TTC for another baby until DD was 18 months old. My girls are 2.5 years apart.
Edit: I was also given the % of having another preemie, but we really wanted to try for another baby. Obviously after having two babies in the NICU I could never subject our family to a third baby.
We have another preemie they won't be born during cold/flu/ rsv season. Plans clearly don't always work out or else none of us would be here but ill try.
Also we see my ob/gyn in a few weeks and then we will see what she says. Maybe that will change our minds about timing
It definitely affected our decision since I had a 26 weeker who stayed in the hospital for 4 months. On top of that, I couldn't really concentrate on finding a teaching job so the financial strain would have been so incredible that the idea of TTC for #2 was not even on our minds. When I finally did get a job, I wanted to wait until my first school year was over before we tried again because I did not want to deal with a possible preemie and a new job at the same time.
In the end, it was the best decision for us. I was placed on SBR pretty early on, but I didn't have to worry about losing my job because of FMLA and I was so lucky that my principal was very supportive. Our kids will be 5 years apart, but we are done. We don't regret the decision to wait at all. I turned 35 a little before we got pregnant this time, so can relate with you on the age thing.
Not sure how old your first baby is, but I think that being proactive and consulting with an MFM will help in preventing another preemie and it will ease your anxiety a little (it did with me). My MFM coordinated with OB about the extra monitoring and I really felt like they were on top of everything and it is why I have reached 38 weeks.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.