
Adhesion after c-section

It appears I have an intestinal adhesion as a result of my c section. Anybody ever have one? Did it resolve itself or did you have to have surgery to fix it?  

Bradley Houston - 04.01.13

Re: Adhesion after c-section

  • I apparently had a bladder adhesion when I had my csection a month ago. The doctor said my bladder was practically "glued" to my uterus. I'm not entirely sure when or how they would go about fixing an intestinal adhesion but just thought I'd let you know that I had an adhesion too.
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  • I has a CS 12 years ago, and a second one about 8 weeks ago.  The second CS took a lot longer, because the OB said he had to cut through a lot of adhesions before he could deliver my new LO.  He said they are common after a CS and obviously mine stayed for 12 years.  How do you know you have one?  If it's causing problems, I'm thinking they would do surgery to remove it...But I lived for years with them without any problem.

    **DD1 - 7/9/98**

    **DS - 11/9/00**

    **DD2 - 4/30/13**

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  • imagesurpriseaddition:
    I has a CS 12 years ago, and a second one about 8 weeks ago.  The second CS took a lot longer, because the OB said he had to cut through a lot of adhesions before he could deliver my new LO.  He said they are common after a CS and obviously mine stayed for 12 years.  How do you know you have one?  If it's causing problems, I'm thinking they would do surgery to remove it...But I lived for years with them without any problem.


    I read that most adhesions dont cause problems so they wont need to be cut. Mine are causing problems. Whats happened is an adhesion has attached itself to my intestine and is causing a blockage. Its the the worse pain ive ever had to deal with, worse than labor! I also get nauseous, sweat really bad, chills, vomiting, constipation. Its horrible! I saw a gastrointestinal doctor last week and hes pretty sure its an adhesion but we're doing a colonoscopy next week to rule out anything else. If the colonoscopy comes back clear of any issues ill be heading into surgery.    

    Bradley Houston - 04.01.13
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