hi - i'm pretty new to boards but need some help!
i'm currently using sunbaby pocket diapers.
i've been CDing for about a year or so ... when i first started i was washing my diapers in homemade laundry soap (borax, washing soda and fels naptha). i was drying inserts in the dryer.
i kind of stopped using them 100% for a while but now am back into them again. they don't smell very good - even after the wash. it's not that they absolutely STINK - just a 'not clean' smell i guess.
i'm currently washing them in a mix of equal parts washing soda, borax and oxy clean. no fels naptha as i read a couple months back it wasn't good so stopped adding to my homemade mix. i've tried adding vinegar and still they don't smell 'good'. maybe it's just how CD smell but i'm not sure. my wash cycle is hot water and a second rinse!
so my question is - what is the BEST way to wash them. i am not opposed to buying a specialty detergent if it will lengthen the life of my diapers. i just ordered more from sun baby and want to ensure those stay in great shape. maybe i just was too careless with my first batch because i was uneducated! haha
Re: washing CDs [sunbaby]
I also use homemade soap....borax, arm and hamer washing soda, and baby oxy and my diapers smell like nothing...meaning they are clean with no scent.