Dylan was due May 30th. At my 40 week appointment I was a finger tip dilated and he had not dropped. My DH made it a point to start walking, so we went to a local park and walked about a mile. That night I started having mild contractions that were about 25-30 mins apart then disappeared. The next night June 1 contractions started again around 7pm, finally by 11:30pm the contractions were about 4 minutes apart and we headed to the hospital. At the hospital, I was about 1cm dilated. The nurse said 'well its time to start walking the halls'. I walked from 12:00am-3:00am on and off. It was the most painful part of labor going from 1cm to 3cm. At about 3:30am, I had progressed to about 3cm and wasn't progressing any further so we were sent home. Before being sent home, I received a shot in both thighs of morphine, that was suppose to help me relax and sleep. I was knocked out cold by the time we got home and felt no pain.
I slept until 11am on June 2 and was woken up by my water breaking in bed, I ran to the bathroom and felt so much fluid coming out. So DH and I headed back to the hospital, the contractions were not painful or consistent. However since my water broke they admitted us. By about 2pm contractions started up again and became quite painful, I did request for an epidural. By 11pm that night I was progressing very slowly, so I attempted to get some sleep. Finally the next day June 3 by 10am I was 10cm and ready to start pushing. From the start the baby's was getting distressed with each push. The baby had also been measuring big since about 28 weeks. Also the baby was OP so the doctor helped turn him and gave me oxygen. However by about 11:30am the doctor said, I really think that this is going to turn into a c-section and I know you want a vaginal birth. I can try forceps first, but I think we should head into the operating room. I was worried and sad, that I couldn't have a vaginal birth. But I had to do what was best for my son, I could see the dips in his heart rate while I was pushing.
So into the room I was wheeled, everything happened very quickly. The forceps didn't work and immediately the c-section started. I started to feel very out of it and just waited to hear my son cry. June 3 at 2:15pm, Dylan Maddox was born 9lbs 9oz and 21 inches. Everyone was shocked at how big he was (I am very petite and my husband is very slim). It was not the labor or birth that I expected.
The recovery from the c-section has been difficult, but being a Mom is the best feeling. I also didn't expect to for labor to be so long and I was worried about being able to know what contractions were vs braxton hicks. Just like everyone says, you will know when you are having contractions. I think it helped me personally not to have a birth plan or expectations because you never know how your delivery will go, every woman's delivery experience is different.
Re: Dylan Maddox..no birth plan