I know most of us on this board are waiting to be matched however I thought we could talk about the openness of your adoption or what you hope and are comfortable with in a future match. How open would you be comfortable with? Would you be opposed if EM wanted closed?
I am just looking to discuss the topic. Thanks!
Re: lets talk openness DIA related
I thought I'd answer even though we finalized our adoption in 2010
DH and I were open to 2 visits/year, of course depending on the relationship we had with the birth family, etc. DH in particular didn't want to exchange identifying info or have us know where the other lived, etc., but was OK with meeting at neutral locations and handling a lot of communication through the agency we used.
We asked our SW about how they handled birth families who wanted closed adoptions. They did occasionally have that happen, but still had APs send letters and pictures to be kept at the agency in case the birth family changed their minds somewhere along the line. We would have respected a birth parent's decision if they wanted a closed adoption.
TTC since June 2009
01/10- Femara
03/10- Femara
07/2010- Clomid with injectables and IUI #1
08/2010- IUI #2
06/2011- IVF #1 BFP!
09/2011- Miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks
11/2011- FET
01/2012- Start Home Study process
03/2012- Home Study approved and now waiting on our child to find us!
07/2012- matched with a BM who is due in October!
11/10/12- our son is born!
11/13/12- court grants us custody!
12/28/12- finalization! Always ours in our hearts, but.now also ours forever
We have not yet finalized, but our adoption is semi-open. We send pics, letters and videos to the agency, who then forwards them to BM. We met BM at the hospital and got to spend some time with her. She did not want DS to know he was adopted until he was 18, but we came to an agreement that such a thing would not be wise. We do not have any contact with her, though we know her last name and can find her on Facebook, though we are not friends with her.She said that after he turns 18, if he wants to meet her, she will consider it. Birth Father is not in the picture at all.
We actually are very comfortable with semi-open, and would not have objected to closed. DH is not comfortable with a fully open adoption.
Everyone is different, but we found a situation that works well for us and we will msot likely pursue another semi-open adoption in the future.
after several m/c, DD#1 born 7-7-08, more m/c and failed IVF, started adoption process March 2011, matched Oct 2, 2012, DD#2 born 10-31-12
Hope Wait Pray Adoption Blog