I just scored a lot of 18 GMD newborn dipes with snaps on a CD swap. What cover would you recommend for these and how many? Is 18 enough?
Also, anything else you would add for newborns? I was thinking of a few AIOs just for ease/going to grandmas/etc Good idea or skip it? I hear great things about Swaddlebees AIOs I passed up a great deal on Craigslist and I'm kicking myself now and I love the prices on Imagine newborn AIOs. Thanks all!

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Re: GMD Newborn questions
I don't have personal experience yet, but most of my newborn stash is fitteds (21). I have Prowrap covers and some Thirsties Duos, size 1. I also have 2 dozen prefolds (12 each in NB and small).
I had the same thought about wanting some easy diapers on hand. I got one Imagine AIO, but it took so long to dry after prepping it, I'm glad I don't have more! I got Kawaii P&Ns instead. I hear they fit well at the NB stage, but also last a while longer than other NB AIOs/pockets, and they're pretty cheap.
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019
You will for sure get your money's worth with the PN's! My DS just turned 1 and still fits these! If you want easy diapers I would order more of those....of course pf's would be cheaper hehe
My dream NB stash consists of 24 GM Workhorse organic fitteds with Snaps, 6 Thirsties Duo Wrap size One, and 8-10 BG NB AIOs.
Right now I only have 4 BG NB AIOs and 1 Thirsties Cover, so you're doing better than I am