I wanted to do a clicky poll since I am bumping on my actual computer for once, but apparently it does not work on either IE or Chrome. If anyone has the explanation for that please let me know!
So, there will be much fewer responses but I was curious who the single parents reading the board were especially the silent mass of lurkers. You do not have to share your story obviously but in brief are you a:
Single mom due to divorce?
Single mom due to end of serious relationship?
Single mom due to end of casual relationship?
Single mom due to long term absent spouse?
Single dad?
Here to silently mock and judge?
And is the other party involved at all or are you completely on your own?
Oh, oh, and what age bracket do you fit in: <18, 18-20, 20-25, 25-30, >30?
Re: Non-clicky poll: How did you become a single parent?
And I will go first.
>30 and I get to play in two categories: single mom due to divorce and single mom due to end of casual relationship! XH is involved, BD/XBF is not.
Single mom due to end of a serious relationship. Age 20-25.
The other party and his family are not currently involved, though he may start paying CS.
Also here to silently mock and judge
As for him being involved, there hasn't been any involvement yet but everyone has faith in him coming around except me
And 2025
Make a pregnancy ticker
Single mom due to end of serious relationship
He's involved, when it's convenient for him. I get CS sometimes, sometimes not. He sees him about every 3 weeks to a month...and that's his own doing. He doesn't ask and I'm not pushing the issue. When he does see him, it's usually only for about an hour or so. And a lot of times it's him tagging along with me to run errands...real 'quality' time there, again his own doing not mine.
Single mom due to end of casual relationship.
BD has no involvement.
I'm in the 25-30 range.
30 - Waiting to TTC#2
PCOS -Fibroids -Type 1 Diabetes
He is not involved in any way.
Why is there no popcorn smiley? There should be popcorn. Instead I give you beer and pizza.
Holy moley for a minute I thought it was your 6th and I was getting judgey! Seriously I think they need to come up with a mental classification for men who feel the need to spread their seed far and wide. I have an older guy friend at work whose dad fathered over 30 children. He doesn't know all of them, but one of his half brothers also works with us. Extremely bizarre.
Colvie, I am pretty sure that classifies as the end of a relationship. Sometimes it takes a couple times.
Yes, I've noticed. And LOL "Columbia in South America Not Columbia MD". I went to Columbia University and for some reason have to explain, "no the university in New York, not the country" way too often.
MamatoA, we could be long lost twins! I am also 36 and DS1 was born in 2010. If only you had gotten knocked up by a long time friend after your divorce and had a 2nd one this year we could have been identical!
Major props to all the ladies under 25 doing it on their own!
babymama, you and I are over 30 and by now we are aware that most of them are liars. I just wanted to use this smiley. What does it mean? I rain on you!
Whoo boy. Congrats on your DD! And I am glad he is at least writing. I hope it works out if that is what you what. I assume he is in his 30's also? I am always wary of men in their 30's still making poor choices. GL!
You are going to laugh at me but I saw the pic in your siggy and was like "her BD looks familiar..." It took me a second to see the tag! LOL.
babywatch, I am 36 so from now on I am just "over 30." Welcome! Feel free to advise us from your position of ancient-ness. Also, post often. There are not enough posts on how we are all making it work!
You are welcome to join me when I go to punch VintageBride's XH's GF in the face.
See reply to babymama above. Carry on.
Creepy internet hug. I didn't mention it in my reply to your post because you seemed sure it was over, but you should try couples counseling if you haven't already and he's willing. My experience with my XH taught me that some men react to marriage and fatherhood in immature ways. We are all here to be weir internet strangers backing you up!
OMG beer and pizza. Yessssss. We are now bestfriends.
The end of a casual relationship.
He sees her two weekends a month, but he does not contribute to raising her financially (unless you count the food she eats while she's with him).
I am 25 years old.
BFP 3/29/2014 2u2 Let's do this!
1 week old
It was the end of a serious relationship.
SO just seemed to lose interest in us..
Single Momma - 20 years old
Waiting on baby number one:
EDD: 05/08/12 | Completed miscarriage 9/6/12
EDD: 12/12/13 | Waiting and praying for my LO
Elias Daniel<3
5 weeks preggo with #1, will be 31 when baby is born
how do i word this: single mom with ex bf with whom i still had a casual relationship with. this baby will "ruin his life".
at least i have excellent support from friends/family
Now I'm single on the other side of the county. He occasionally pays cs and has the occasional interest in skyping her. It's whatever.