I'm watching When Harry Met Sally while DD is napping. Just watched this scene:
Harry Burns:You realize of course that we could never be friends.Sally Albright: Why not?Harry Burns: What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.Sally Albright: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.Harry Burns: No you don't.Sally Albright: Yes I do.Harry Burns: No you don't.Sally Albright: Yes I do.Harry Burns: You only think you do.Sally Albright: You say I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?Harry Burns: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.Sally Albright: They do not.Harry Burns: Do too.Sally Albright: They do not.Harry Burns: Do too.Sally Albright: How do you know?Harry Burns: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too. What say ye parenting? Can men and women ever really be friends? Like real friends, not work acquaintances that joke around together.
Re: Discussion topic
Do you hang out? Go to lunch or movies together without your H or their SO's?
Maybe ? I also think it depends on if you are in a happy and healthy relationship as well. When you are satisfied with your relationship, you truly can look at the opposite sex and being just friends.
Now, if you are single ? Yeah he might have a point.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I think this situation is outside the scope of this particular discussion.
To a point, it boils down to respect.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Amendment to the rule:
Harry Burns: Would you like to have dinner?... Just friends.Sally Albright: I thought you didn't believe men and women could be friends.Harry Burns: When did I say that?Sally Albright: On the ride to New York.Harry Burns: No, no, no, I never said that... Yes, that's right, they can't be friends. Unless both of them are involved with other people, then they can... This is an amendment to the earlier rule. If the two people are in relationships, the pressure of possible involvement is lifted... That doesn't work either, because what happens then is, the person you're involved with can't understand why you need to be friends with the person you're just friends with. Like it means something is missing from the relationship and why do you have to go outside to get it? And when you say "No, no, no it's not true, nothing is missing from the relationship," the person you're involved with then accuses you of being secretly attracted to the person you're just friends with, which you probably are. I mean, come on, who the hell are we kidding, let's face it. Which brings us back to the earlier rule before the amendment, which is men and women can't be friends.
How does this factor in?
Jumping in, but one of my best friends is a guy I've known since high school. We do hang out one on one, go out to bars and dinners alone, etc. DH is completely okay with this. If nothing has happened in 15 years, why would it happen now? This isn't the movies where sexual attraction can be dormant for decades and then suddenly materialize.
I think it's hard for SINGLE men and women to just be friends. Sooner or later someone's gonna get attracted to someone.
I think it's different when you are partnered to other people.
I think what Harry is saying is, men are always thinking about sex and if you're bangable; ie a woman, he's thinking about having sex with you. Therefore, he can't really be friends with you because sex always foremost in his mind and "getting in the way." I think he's saying that men think about having sex with whoever happens to be in front of them at the time. I really hope some of the guys weigh in on this. I don't think I could get a honest answer from DH on this.
Let's face it, if the opportunity arose, your BFF would totally still do you. I mean, if you were both on the market.
I think this is completely possible. People grow and change. Situations change and people may become more attractive to each other. There's always the "I wonder what could have happened" thoughts that can creep in. I mean if you get along so well as friends, wouldn't it be perfect if you could have sex and be such great friends? Perfect right?
Word. I doubt he's totally moved past it. I'm sure you make it into the masturbation rotation once in a while. Forbidden fruit and all.
There was no sexual attraction on your end.
I trust my DH in that he would never act on anything. And I doubt he is preoccupied with thinking about sex with women he may know. Does the thought cross his mind? Probably. I don't like it, but probably. Thinking men are like what Harry says, would make me worry about my DH spending a lot of time with another female because those fleeting thoughts could turn into a preoccupation depending on the state of our relationship at the time. Slippery dippery slope yo.
If he said it bothered him, would you stop? Or would you think he was just being jealous? Are you sure he's being honest with you that it doesn't bother him or is he just trying to not be "that guy?"
How do you KNOW?!?!?! Also, back to the last part about an attraction not being necessary. LD? Thoughts on wanting to nail your female friends you're not attracted to?
DH and I both have friends of the opposite sex. DH is still very good friends with his ex, who is now one of my best friends and was a bridesmaid in our wedding. We are also godparents to her daughter.
They still hang out once in a blue moon (get lunch, take the kids to the zoo, etc.). I'm not at all concerned that something would happen between them. They were basically friends who dated, but were a total train wreck as a couple and they knew it, so the relationship didn't last for long.
Yeah, I worked in engineering pre-baby and there aren't a lot of other females around to be friends with. I tried to make friends with one of the guys at work thinking, "it's totally fine for me to hang out with a guy as a friend." Didn't go well. There wasn't anything more than friends between us, and I thought DH would never be jealous and wouldn't really care. Turns out he did and it was actually kind of nice to know he wasn't as indifferent about me as I had previously thought. He didn't act crazy or anything but he definitely didn't like it and made that clear to me.
This is a whole other layer. Friends with exes. I think it's actually better in a way than friends with just friends. The sex part is no longer attractive simply because it's a mystery. However, nostalgia can always creep in. Also, I think it'd be weird for me if DH was friends with anyone he's seen naked. I can't say why. It's not completely logical.
Sorry dude.
I didn't say it, Harry Burns said it.
Yup, make some room on that bench for me ladies.
I don't think the quoted implies lack of control on the man's part. It's saying that the friendship will always be clouded by the guy wanting to nail his female friend even if he leads her to think his feelings are purely platonic.
I just keep thinking about the poor little flower girl walking in the back - she must have been so scared!
DD#1 born 9/29/2010; DD#2 born 2/25/2013
Whose hand is that??
no not funny?? Boo. I laughed.
ive also been friends with guys who I know I am the polar opposite of their type. Our personalities just click. Dh has made friends at work with women whom I know are not his type. He gravitates towards people whose personality he meshes with as well as people who are in a similar place in life (ie are married with kids). I frequently get together for play dates with one of Dhs former coworkers.
in regards to your last paragraph, I disagree. If dh got all paranoid about me hanging out with a guy I wouldn't just happily oblige. I'd be deeply hurt he had that little trust in me. I also dated a guy who was a cheater and was totally paranoid about me not having male friendships as he was projecting so I'd start to wonder.
Never thought about it? Not once?
Not really. My HS best friend started off with a conversation about music in the back of a school bus on the way to a high school playoff game, and it started off as a cool friendship and stayed that way. She was someone I clicked with as a friend, but never viewed her as a romantic possibility. The post college friend, again, not really. We started talking on mIRC in college, found out we lived really, really close to one another and met after we both left campus. We had talked enough online where I met her with expectations of a friendship only. Neither woman was unattractive, but I didn't enter either situation looking for anything more than a friend either.
I will jump in as a guy. I have a few female friends I never wanted to sleep with.
Just weren't my type. I think like most everything looking for a canned answer just isn't really going to fit.
Some guys will sleep with anyone that moves even if they are married with 5 kids and walk around bragging about being faithful.
Other guys are truly happy about being in love and only see the person they are with. But really isn't that anyone regardless of the equipment they have ?