Cloth Diapering

Charlie Banana?

Any thoughts? I saw them at Target but haven't heard much about them on the boards.

Re: Charlie Banana?

  • I like ours. They seemed a little bulky early on, but DD is 14 pounds now and still on the smallest setting, so I think they're going to last quite a while. We only had one, but I just got a six pack since they were on clearance at Target.
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  • We use Charlie Banana. I love them. I just got a 6 pack on clearance at Target so my stash is all filled out now.

    If you want a size reference, DD is 18.5 pounds and on the "medium" setting of the OS diapers. But I also put them on a bit more loosely than a lot of other people who CD.

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  • I just picked up my first CB.  My son is 2.5, 33lbs and 38in tall.  I love the fit and wish I would have grabbed a few more.  They seem like a bigger OS than others.

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  • I don't have any but with them being onclearance right now Iit wouldn't hurt to try them! They are 8 at my local target and there are lots left! So tempted to get some lol
  • Well, I have 12 of them, so I hope we like them. Clearance at Target though? Hmmmm. I wonder when this happened. I might need to stop by. 
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  • Yeah it appears all of the target stores have them on clearance. I guess they didn't do well. The price comes out to something like 6 or 8 dollars a diaper, I believe. I bought some today to try. I figured that cheap it was worth a shot!
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