So, just had a little chat with our family advocate. And apparently, if one of their emom coordinators attends the birth, to be there to support the emom, it will cost another $700-1000.00. Now- I absolutely WANT them to be there to support the emom, I just would have appreciated that fee chunk to have been included in our initial contract with them.
And of course, from everything they said at any of their courses/sessions etc it always sounded like someone from the agency was at the birth. It turns out that's typically not the case. I guess I should have asked that question ahead of time- but how would I have even thought to ask it.
If we ever adopt again, which is unlikely give the fees associated with adoption we are either going to just use a lawyer or at least use an agency that isn't as mamby-pamby and irksome as this one.
Re: Agency frustration
That is nuts. Our agency has a social worker assigned to the emom who is with her every step of the way, including the birth. And they certainly didn't charge us for that.
I don't know which agency you are using, but not all agencies nickel and dime you like that.
And I agree, I would want someone there with her. Wow.
This is our experience. Our agency works as a dual clinician agency. There is a clinician with us and one with the BM.
That sucks about the extra charge. I can't believe that they wouldn't automatically have someone there to support the BM. That seems like a no brainer. Good luck.
That is highly irksome!!! I am really surprised to hear them say it's not typical to have someone there at the birth. It's standard at our agency. Grrr.