I can't find any decent review comparison for these 2, has anyone here tried or owned both?
I posted earlier in the week about KoKoPax carrier and decided we just can't wait for 6 mo to baby wear! So I looked more into SSCs and looks like either the boba/beco/Tula will fit even though I am plus sized. The issue was the ergo with the extension was HORRIBLE so I didn't think SSCs were an option, I'm 7" less than the maximum on the smallest of the 3 so looks like I'll be good after all.
I'm leaning toward the Beco but wanted to know which I should get? Or if the Boba 3G is the better choice?
I'm 5 feet with a 50in waist with a 6 foot husband with a 36in waist. Needs to fit us both. Our baby is 10 weeks and already almost 14 pounds so he's gonna be a big boy!
Re: Beco Soleil or Gemini?
I've never tried the Soliel, so I'm no help there, but wanted to say that we have a Gemini and LOVE it.
DH is 6' and somewhere in the range of 39" waist. It fits him with plenty of room to spare. I'm 5'8" with a pretty tiny waist, and it also fits me well. We tried a Boba 3G at the store, but found the Gemini to be more comfortable and easier to adjust.
FWIW my LO was about 13lbs at 10 weeks, so not too much smaller than your LO. He still fits it well at 9 months and almost 20lbs. The weight limit goes up to 35lbs, so I expect we'll get another couple years of use out of it.
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