Late Term and Child Loss

fathers day... ticker warning

Ticker warning

I know this board is for us loss moms, but I wanted to wish you all and your families a peaceful fathers day. Our first fathers day post loss was tough for both of us, but it's easier this year... a little hope for those of you with recent losses that time does help too heal your heart. We still miss our boy. We still think about him. I still cried for him and for my husband this morning. But today isn't full of grief this year. Instead we are able to look forward to what's ahead for our family. Much love to all of you today!
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


Re: fathers day... ticker warning

  • Thank you. It was a hard day for H. It was his first fathers day....and his first father's day after losing our daughter. Not fun at all. Had a picnic with our baby at the cemetery today. Ugh its so hard to see him grieve.

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        My Blog

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013

    BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
    Please be our rainbow!!

    **All AL Welcome**

  • ***SIGGY WARNING*** 



    Thank you for the hope. Father's day last year is when my water broke, and here we are a year later.  It is nice to hear that like this whole process it does become a little easier as time goes on.

    TTC #1 since 10/2010 RE consult 6/2011 PCOS (known) MFI IVF #1 w/ICSI 2/2012 BFP TRIPLETS our angels grew wings at 19.5 weeks 6.25.12 IVF #2 2/2013 Sono shows tissue Hysteroscopy needed Changing RE Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers ~~~all welcome~~~
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  • Thank you.  MH seemed fine on the outside, but he was irritable all weekend.  We fought a lot....I tried to be understanding, knowing this was a rough weekend for him, but it's still hard to be on the receiving end of displaced anger.  It's good to know that it gets easier.

    Lilypie - (fm2j)

    Lilypie - (YesX)

     My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks.  Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!


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