It's Father's Day! What makes your DH, BF, FI, SO, partner, or baby daddy a great dad?
Are you a dad? Happy Father's Day! Brag about your daddy skills. Don't want to brag about yourself? That's okay...tell me about something your dad did that you are excited to do with your LO.
Re: Explainabrag your DH
DH has acquired just about every kid's movie ever made and has started watching them with LO, talking to LO about what is going on and engaging him in the action.
Our pedi has said on a few occasions that he's never seen anyone kiss their baby as much as DH. It makes me so proud.
He also manages to keep up the house and makes me lunch every day. He cooks dinner a fair bit, too.
He has always been a strong supporter of me wanting to BF.
He talks excitedly about DS's future and all of the fun things they can do once DS is older.
For a man who didn't initially want to be a father when we got married (Nora wasn't an oops- we both changed our minds 5 years into marriage), when she was born, it was love at first sight.
From the beginning, he's been 100% "in it" with me. He would get up for middle of the night feedings to make sure we were both ok and not go back to bed until either I did or I told him to go. Even now, when she has sleep regressions but only wants mommy, he gets up and is ready and willing to take over if I want to try to get some sleep. (I wish Nora would let me take advantage of this!! lol)
He does bath time, gets her ready in the a.m. and does day care drop off, goes to the child-parent gymnatics classes with us every Saturday morning.
I mean, I could just keep listing things from the every day to the extraordinary. He is a co-parent, all the way.
DH is such a loving and patient dad. So much more patient than I could ever be.
He's pretty much a natural when it comes to being a dad, and he's absolutely an equal co-parent in our relationship. He loves spending time with DS and will soon be a SAHD one day a week! I love my friends, I love my parents and in-laws, but the best times we ever have are when it's just me, DH, and DS hanging out together.
Oops, I started a thread too. I'm hor enough to put something here also.
I don't think there is one particular thing I can point out DH has done recently. He's just an overall super awesome guy. He helps without question, he attends all of his daughter's sporting events (SD), he gives me any free time away I need, and he is always willing to do what he feels makes his girls happy. Despite some of his lazy qualities, he is really an amazing dude. Far better than I could have expected considering my father and step father...
I've been out of high school for 10 years and been in school the whole time. He never complains that he's out there making money for us to survive and I keep adding more degrees. The entire four years of dental school he spent cooking and cleaning for me on top of working because I was stressed all the time.
When DS came along it was even more obvious how selfless and amazing he is. He spends gobs of time with him. They are always having fun together even when DS was an infant. He was so good about getting up to change his diaper and get him ready for me to feed back in the waking multiple times per night days.
Now he is so excited for this next one. He has been immensely helpful and understanding as I deal with extreme morning sickness this time around. He is such a natural dad and I can't wait to see him interact with this next child.
I could go on and on but I'll spare you. I'm getting a little misty eyed.
Dh is an amazing dad
Words don't express! I hope he knows how much I appreciate him as a husband and as a father to my kids!