DD1 turned 4 in January and we still use the Britax Frontier in harness mode. I know our state law is age 4 OR 40 pounds for a booster, but I just have not felt ready to move to the seat belt. She is 38 or 39 pounds now.
What are your opinions? Are most kids her age in a seatbelt booster by now, or is it perfectly ok to keep her in the harness? I was kind of hoping to stay that way until age 5.
Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in.
& Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

Re: Booster Opinions
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Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I wouldn't let the school pressure you about how you have your child in the car. You can throw it into park and get her buckled in. I've seen it done at schools all the time.
Fred is correct though, harness or seatbelt in an older child has no shown safety difference......when used correctly.
OP, a five year old likely can learn to get in and out of the Frontier harness, mine can.
I kept my oldest in a 5pt harness until she was 7 - she is really tiny & she was comfortable in it, so I figured why switch her? My younger one has a high back booster now at age 6, she's bigger & is mature enough to sit in it correctly so I feel good about that. As for car lines, at our preschool they put the kids in the car, we would pull around, park in the lot & then buckle them. I never had any issues with doing so- we were in a small church parking lot & everyone is going slow, doing the same thing. I wouldn't hold up the line to buckle, just have her sit in the seat while you pull out of the way.