
Weights of twins

We had an u/s last week that revealed our baby girl weighs 1lb14oz and our baby boy weighs 1lb8oz. I was 24w4d on that day. What did others babies weigh at this gestational age? Is my baby boy too small? Should he be closer to baby girl? Does their size seem good to you moms out there?
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Re: Weights of twins

  • Don't get too freaked out about their weights right now.  Honestly, they are just estimates anyway.  I was supposed to have two babies over 6lbs at birth.

    DS was 5lb5oz and DD was 4lb14oz at 35w5d.

    So, those weights aren't really that accurate anyways.

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  • I'm mostly concerned with it because the dr expects me to deliver early as I've been burdened with a shortening cervix and am on SBR. I'm just praying the babies are a decent weight if they come early.
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  • What was her percentile?  Was the Dr. concerned?  Since they are fraternal it's not that unusual to have different weights.  1 lb 8 oz sounds very average for 24 weeks.  At 24w1d mine were 1lb and 1lb 6 oz.  This website can help you understand:


  • Sounds just perfect to me. At 25 weeks, my girls were 1 lb 14 oz and 1 lb 15 oz. They were 3 lb something by 30 weeks and 6 lb 9 oz and 7 lb 1 oz at birth. I think you're doing great! Protein and lots of it!


  • I don't remember what my boys were exactly but around that I think. That is already larger than one baby I saw while we were in the nicu. Try not to stress too much!
    TTC since 3/4/2010
    Me: PCOS, DH: normal
    Started seeing RE 11/10/2011
    8/31/2012 = BFP!!
    First Ultrasound... TRIPLETS! EDD 5/11/13
    Baby w/ no HB @ 10w4d - We love you angel baby.
    Baby A & B doing great. A/S 12/10/12 - Healthy BOYS!
    Sawyer & Silas born at 33+6 on 3/29/13
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  • They're two separate babies with two separate sacs for me, two placentas... 

    one was at 1-8, the other was at 1-13 at my 24w3d appointment. this put them at normal and above weight (50 and 63 % I believe... but it was a late appointment... so I was tired. don't quote me on the percents)


    Here's how my doctor explained it to me: Since they each have their own "supply", they will grow differently. There are two different babies, so its almost the same as comparing two pregnancies in the same woman. 

    She continued to explain something about how they don't get worried... but that part I was too tired to remember. it was something about 20% for IDs or something like that. 

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
  • At 24w2d my boys were 1lb4oz and 1lb6oz and were right on the 50th percentile. If I would make it to 40 weeks my OB guesstimates I would have the same sized habies as my singletons (6lb5oz and 6lb11oz). I know I wont go until 40 weeks.

    I know you want to try to figure all of this out but the u/s can be +/- 1-1.5lbs. Right now they may be a little closer to what they're actually measuring but as they get bigger its hard to give a for sure number and every baby grows different.

  • If I'm remembering correctly, at my 23w growth scan A was estimated at 1lb 6oz and B at 1lb 8oz. As they've growth, their est weight difference has gotten larger. At 31w, A was at 3lb 11oz and B at 4lbs 1oz.

    Anyway, I know there's a lot of variability in the numbers. The tech had a hard time getting good shots of B, so who knows. It's more important that they are continuing to grow at a steady pace.

  • Abz428Abz428 member
    I've been told the u/s is an estimate, and towards the end can be off by a full 2 lb in either direction. At my 25 wk ultrasound this week, mine were 1 lb 8 oz and 1 lb 7 oz. mine are identical though, so I don't know if that makes a difference! My MFM is very happy with their growth, so I'm not worried. I think the doc would tell you if they were concerned.
  • At 23w3d (about a month ago)

    I was told my twins were:

    Baby A - Boy -  1.4lbs

    Baby B - Girl - 1.7lbs

    Not sure what normal is, but that's how my babies were doing :)

     I have another appt today with my high risk and will have updated info later. 


    I also found this online: 

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  • I had a sizing ultrasound at 39w2d with my twins(they were checking something else and the doctor decided to do measurements anyway). And A measured 5.2 and B measured 5.5. Three days later when they were born A measured 6.11 and B measures 6.7. So don't worry. Also the whole pregnancy B measures a week - 2 weeks behind A. 
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