Cloth Diapering

Washing CD's

I was wondering about what everyone does to wash their CD?s, particularly with a front load, HE washing machine, I have read conflicting stories about front load not using enough water.

What detergents do you use, and what is your washing cycle routine? I can dry inserts but need to hang the covers to dry correct? Just thinking about prepping my gently used bumgenius 4.0?s I picked up.

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Re: Washing CD's

  • Mine is set for a pre-wash, regular wash hot, rinse and then 2 extra rinse cycles. I don't have a water+ button on my machine, but I know that some do. I use one of the settings (large/bulky I think?) that I don't think weighs the load to determine water usage (at least the load sensing light doesn't light up). I think it may use more water this way, but I'm not sure. We use regular Tide, dry the inserts/fitteds/prefolds in the dryer, but hang pockets, aios, wet bags, pail liners (anything with PUL) on the rack.



  • I have a Kenmore FL washer. Here's my routine:

    Express wash warm/warm no spin.

    "Whitest Whites" setting (it's a heavy duty hot wash with 2 rinses) and 1-2 Tbs of Tide Ultra.

    I then hang the covers and shells in the bathroom using my drying squids from Ikea and the inserts go in the dryer on medium. 

    I use an express wash with no spin to add weight to the wash load. This way they trick the machine into adding more water.

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  • I have a Samsung FL and I use Rock N Green detergent. I do a quick wash cold/cold then I do a normal wash hot/cold with an extra rinse with 1 tbs detergent. I typically hang dry my shells but if I'm in a hurry I dry them on low.


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  • I do a warm rinse and spin cycle with no spin and no soap. [this rinses them and adds more water to your load, since they are already saturated and heavier so your machine will think it's a bigger load and add more water] Then a hot/cold cycle with 2T Tide on a heavy soil cycle [not sanitary cycle!] with extra water and an extra rinse. Then a speed wash on warm/warm with extra water and extra rinse on heavy soil and no soap.

    Sounds complicated, but it is only 3 washes total and is super easy. Total wash time is about 2 1/2 hours but it literally takes 5 minutes out of your day to push a few buttons and load the machine.

    I throw everything in the dryer on medium heat for one cycle and then pull out my pockets and covers and hang them to dry the rest of the way. Then I dry my prefolds and inserts one or two more times so they are fully dry. I notice a nasty smell if they aren't completely dry. Kind of like towels get.
    Chad and Fawn

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  • Quick wash with warm water, no spin. Hot wash with rinse, plus an additional rinse. I am lazy and dry all inserts, PF's, and diapers including those with PUL and AIO's on low.

    ETA: I use Tide 

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