Cloth Diapering

RLR with HE FLer

My RLR is coming today and I'm so excited to strip my diapers and get rid of this ammonia problem. 

I've read conflicting directions on how to use this with a HE FLer. Can any one give me tips on how to do this? 

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Re: RLR with HE FLer

  • I read you're suppossed to put it in the drum but I didn't do that. instead I soaked my diapers overnight in the tub with 1 packet of rlr dumped in the water.

    I then did a quick wash cycle the next morning to make sure it rinsed completely out.

    When I strip with washing soda (essentially what RLR is) I add 1-2 tbsp. to the powder detergent section.  Then I run a hot wash cycle followed by 2-4 rinses.

    Just an FYI in my experience RLR/washing soda didn't help with ammonia.  Using less detergent and eventually switching detergents helped with ammonia.  RLR/washing soda has helped us with build-up due to hard water which causes barnyard stink.  Doesn't mean that'll be the case for you, but wanted to share in case it is!

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  • imageGismo123:
    I read you're suppossed to put it in the drum but I didn't do that. instead I soaked my diapers overnight in the tub with 1 packet of rlr dumped in the water.

    I then did a quick wash cycle the next morning to make sure it rinsed completely out.

    I've done both....I feel it does a better strip if I soak in tub but it's a pita. Every month I'll throw some in the drum and it seems to do a decent job. I hate having a fl. And here I go stomping off because I have a fl.

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  • Interesting. I think I've been using too much detergent, so a strip should be helpful either way. But, what detergent do you use now? I am using tiny bubbles and have hard water.
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  • imageBemyselfandi:
    I read you're suppossed to put it in the drum but I didn't do that. instead I soaked my diapers overnight in the tub with 1 packet of rlr dumped in the water. I then did a quick wash cycle the next morning to make sure it rinsed completely out.
    I've done both....I feel it does a better strip if I soak in tub but it's a pita. Every month I'll throw some in the drum and it seems to do a decent job. I hate having a fl. And here I go stomping off because I have a fl.

    I do too. I need to find a day to bring all my diapers to my parents because they have a TL. I have told them when they get a new washer, I want theirs so can have a TL for my diapers. My mom just rolled her eyes. 

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    Interesting. I think I've been using too much detergent, so a strip should be helpful either way. But, what detergent do you use now? I am using tiny bubbles and have hard water.

    We are using Lulu's In the Fluff for hard water.  I also add a tbsp of Calgon to each load.  We've had very good luck with that combo.  I only do a strip for build-up every 3 months or so.


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