Not sure which board I really belong on, but I just wanted to vent on my week with DCFS.
So first they were questioning whether or not to really consider us 'family' last week when they had no other home to place FD in. We basically had to beg and plead for them to let us have her. Now they've vanished.
Her case worker changed extensions and now a week
later still doesn't even have voicemail and has not been in the office
at all. I've left messages for her supervisor and got to speak with her
briefly yesterday about getting a form proving that she is placed with
us. She was suppose to fax it yesterday.
I explained that I can't arrange for bus transportation until she's registered, and I can't register her for school until I can prove I have guardianship. I've also asked for their assistance in transportation in the meantime. Which they said they can do. Ya, they called me 7:30a monday morning to say they hadn't been able to arrange anything.
So right now I'm dropping her off before work, no problem. But she has to go to her boy-friend's house until I can pick her up afterwards. We've tried to find any other option possible to no avail.
Just in general though, I have no information on her and no idea of how some things are suppose to work. Like FD was the one to tell me DCFS would reimburse us for certain things. We asked during our home visit about anything we needed to know, anything we didn't know to ask about, etc.
Right now I have her name and DOB. If something happened I don't know how I could get her treated at the hospital or even contact them in an emergency.
Yet, I'm also afraid of pushing too hard because I don't want them to take her away. Right now, supposedly we're being given a two week trial.
Re: xp: ugh, DCFS is no help!