
flipping question

I have a doctor's appointment next week, and I forgot to ask my specialist this week... (So I will try to remember to ask my OB, but I may forget since my brain is like cheesecloth lately)

When are twins "stuck" in place?

Twin A is now breech butt down, Twin B is head down. I know they're still plenty small to move as of now (26 weeks) and that they'll probably switch positions a bunch of times (like they have been doing already)

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Re: flipping question

  • My girls were both breec from early on and never moved. There are plenty of ladies around here who have had their babies change position closer to the end of pregnancy. I know my doctor was hopeful for mine to turn up until close to the end.
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  • The last time A flipped was right around 37w. The last time B flipped was the night before my SCS at 39w4d. 
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  • At a recent growth scan, the MFM said that around 31w to 33w is when the conversation starts about delivery options based on current positioning. At that point, they are less likely to flip.

    That being said, one or both could flip after that but that the conversation should be had about delivery options.

    My A has been frank breech since 20w or so. B has flipped between vertex and breech, but has also been breech for the past month. No one is giving me much hope that they'll flip at this point and I've had more conversations about scheduling a c/s than what a vaginal delivery would be like.

    I'm still holding out hope that A will flip. I'd really like to attempt a vag delivery, but of course, will do what's safest for all involved.

  • A has been breech feet down from day one. B flips and flips. I went to a certified chiropractor for Websters. However I started too late and think A just doesnt want to move. I would try that if you can find someone. On top of that getting adjusted once a week is amazing!!
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