It's been a very, very, very long time since I've diapered a baby. We used to use a home delivery diaper service. Are there any of those left worth recommending? What is the most EFFICIENT, COST EFFECTIVE, and ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND cloth diaper options these days?
Thanks in advance!!
Re: What Is the Best Cloth Diapering Option These Days??
I would recommend researching prefolds and/or flats and covers. They are the cheapest and the easiest to care for. The flats, especially, because you can use the same ones all the way through potty training by using different folds. I'm not sure how they work for newborns, though. I would imagine they're pretty bulky at first. Someone else will have to comment on that one. Another nice thing is that you can re-purpose them for other around-the-house uses after you are done using them as diapers. They are very versatile.
I can tell you what works for us, but it may not be best for you and your family.
DH is a SAHD, He likes pockets and AIO's. We use BG 4.0's and Freetimes for him and babysitters. I love the Flip System and that is what I use when I am home and when out and about. Night time we used a Hybrid Fitted with a wool cover. This combo is perfect for us.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
We went with prefolds and fitteds because flats intimidate me. However, flats can last from birth to potty training and are easy to wash. Plus, they dry quickly!