Boston Babies


So this may be a weird question, but I'm gonna ask anyway. I know similac/enfamil give you certificates for samples and such to give your hospital when having the baby. Well I go to Boston medical and they don't. I have also read that a lot of hospitals don't in mass now because they want to promote breastfeeding. So my question is how do you get those samples, and does that mean my hospital also doesn't have other little samples to send home with my baby like soaps diaper rash ointment ect... Does anyone know or have any ideas?

Re: Samples

  • The formula companies will send it to your house after the baby is born. The hospital will send you home with the basics but nothing fancy- you should definitely plan on your own supplies. I think you can also register online with some of the formula companies for samples.
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  • As of last summer, either July 1 or Aug 1, Massachusetts hospitals were no longer promoting formula by just handing it out. You can get it, but you have to ask. Unless you have a problem with bfing, then they'll just give you some.

                                                        [MC 11.20.11] [DS born 9.24.12] [DD born 10.15.14]

  • owl214owl214 member

    not sure what I signed up for, but last week I received samples from both Similac and Enfamil - I plan on EBFing, but saved them just in case.  They came with actual samples as well as coupons and certificates. 

     I think if you go onto Similac's website and register you can get things sent to you - I didn't but I think between all the websites I'm on now, my info got to them. 

    Hope this helps!  

  • There are a lot of places that send free samples by mail, not just formula ones.  I got free cabinet safety locks from Proctor and Gamble, a free goodnight diaper from Huggies, Gerber sent all sorts of information and free food samples once the baby gets old enough, and if you make baby registries at Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby they give you a bag full of free samples.  You can even get American Baby magazine and Parent magazine sent to your home for free.
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