Honestly, by the time the girls arrived, I forgot pretty much everything from my classes anyway.
I ended up on bedrest in the hospital for pre-e and it was much better just to learn all the new stuff as it presented itself along the way. LOL
Single Mother by Choice.
Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own.
IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN
IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies
BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187
1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!!
Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema.
Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d
My IVF Journey
That labor, esp. PTL doesn't always = painful, regular contractions. If I had waited for that point i would have had my babies in the car. I wish they would stress that some people have less obvious symptoms and not to ignore things because they don't sound exactly like a typical labor story.
That labor, esp. PTL doesn't always = painful, regular contractions. If I had waited for that point i would have had my babies in the car. I wish they would stress that some people have less obvious symptoms and not to ignore things because they don't sound exactly like a typical labor story.
Such as? Due to my bed rest situation, we aren't able to take a class, but I'd love to hear the less common signs of labor.
IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)
Re: what do you wish was covered better in your prenatal classes?
Honestly, by the time the girls arrived, I forgot pretty much everything from my classes anyway.
I ended up on bedrest in the hospital for pre-e and it was much better just to learn all the new stuff as it presented itself along the way. LOL
I'm not a MoM but I wish there was a bit more on c-sections.
Such as? Due to my bed rest situation, we aren't able to take a class, but I'd love to hear the less common signs of labor.
Dx: balanced translocation and LPD
TTC since Oct 2011
BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)
IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)