March 2013 Moms

Fussy bc I went back to work?

I went back to work about 2 weeks ago.  All this week LO has been pretty fussy.  Not really napping much 2-3 cat naps 30 minutes max.  He usually gives me about 1.5-2 hrs twice  a day.  He has also been whining quite a bit.  Now today he was okay when I put him down in the activity center, bed for tummy time etc, but whenever anyone else held him he freaked out.  He was fine with hubby.  My mom had me freaking out yesterday bc she said he screamed his head off for 10-15 min after I left but that it sounded lik he was in pain.  I thought he needed to poop, but now after today Im wondering if he recognized that the lady with the milk left.  I BF.  He gets bottle of pumped milk when Im at work.  Anyone have thoughts here.  Is he too young to recognize me leaving.  I know the waking him and transporting him so early in the am could be an adjustment.  My mom has b=me freaking out bc she said I should take him to a dr bc he is too gassy and that's what she is contributing the fussiness too.  Her ad my dad are trying to convince me to formula feed. I think he is just getting used to changes.  Thoughts?  TIA
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Re: Fussy bc I went back to work?

  • I would agree with you. Of course it could be something else but if your LO acts fine with you then he probably just misses his momma : also my LO is grouchy when I wake her up so if you're having to wake yours to take him to your moms then unfortunately that could also be contributing as well. He should start to get used to the routine soon tho. Good luck!
  • DH stays home with LO, but he says she starts getting fussy about an hour before I get home, then once I'm hinge and hold her she is fine. Definetly I think they miss us!
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  • I would think the change in routine could be the issue. Formula isn't going to solve anything...your baby will still know mama even if you aren't BFing and will still miss you!
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  • my son does the same thing with his daddy, some days he is fussier until his daddy gets back home from work.
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