Baby Names


WDYT of Lia? It's the Italian spelling of Leah (which some people I know say lay-uh [like Leia] to). I think it looks more feminine and nice. Opinions on the name itself,(not the spelling)? Stereotype a Lia (to play along with everyone)! And middle names (it doesn't have to be family)? i was thinking Lia Katherine (Katherine is, incidentally, a family name)

Re: Lia

  • I like it, but don't love it. I think Lia Katherine is nice.

    Other suggestion- Lena.

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  • I like the sound of the name and that spelling. It's short and sweet sounding.

    I'm not good at the stereotyping, so skipping over that! :

    My friend just had a Lia 3 months ago and she's Lia Christine. I love that! I also think Katherine sounds great and it's nice that its a family name.
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  • +ASH++ASH+ member
    I like it, but I've only ever heard it as a nickname (Ophelia). 
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  • I love the name Lia, one of my favorite authors when I was young was Francesca Lia Block, so my stereotype would be a smart, artsy writer.  As for middle names, I love Lia Katherine.  Other ideas:

    Lia June

    Lia Celeste

    Lia Evangeline

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  • I think it's a pretty name and I really like Lia Katherine. I know one and her MN is Summer but it's misspelled. She is 30 ish and she is probably the worst person I have ever met so I can't really stereotype the name.
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  • I'm terrible at stereotyping but just wanted to say that I love the name and really love the spelling. It's unique but not over the top.
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  • ==N====N== member
    I like Lia a lot and think it sounds beautiful with Katherine!

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  • I like it. 
  • Lia Katherine is such a pretty name! :)

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  • This is my DH all time fav name! We are going with another girls name for this baby [a name we both love and agree on too] but IF we have another daughter ever, DH swears her name will be Lia/Leah. Great pick on Lia Katherine =]
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