Attachment Parenting

Intro and question

Hi ladies,

I've lurked your board for a bit, but haven't commented, so just wanted to formally say hello!

I had a quick question, and am stuck on mobile, so can't search the posts. My daughter arrived 4 weeks early, on Thursday. She's doing great, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on using a wrap with her. She's 5lbs 11oz, so not too too tiny. I'm assuming the 8 lb weight restriction on wrap carriers is a CYA for manufacturers? I'll check in later with the pediatrician, but thought you all might have some advice.

Thanks so much, and please forgive any weird autocorrects I've missed!
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Re: Intro and question

  • As long as baby is tight against you and unable to really move much then you are good to go with a carrier. I prefer ring slings for this reason -- you can tighten them a lot and it helps a lot with smaller LOs.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks so much. I'll definitely seek one out. We were caught a little off guard by her early arrival, so we are working off hand-me-downs for the moment, but heading out to fill in the gaps today.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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