March 2013 Moms

recom. overnight diaper

baby girl is a like an ever-flowing fountain at night... and i need recommendations for a good over-night diaper which will hold up for 11-12 hours. i just tried the pampers baby dry last night (they don't seem all that much thicker than her usually pampers swaddlers sensative) and she leaked through them, just not as much as she usually does. it's a scary thought to think i might have to wake her up to change her if i can't find a brand that works.
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: recom. overnight diaper

  • Did you already go up a size?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageMrs MoJoRisin:
    Did you already go up a size?

    just recently she went from size 1 to size 2. she was 12lbs at her last well visit, which was about two weeks ago.

    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • Going up a size always worked with my son, girls may be different!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageMrs MoJoRisin:
    Going up a size always worked with my son, girls may be different!

    you think i should use a size 3? i thought about that, but wasn't sure if they'd be too big since they say 18lbs and up.

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Might not help either if its too big around the leg. Sorry! Maybe try putting the diaper up higher in the back, if she still sleeps on her back
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I would try a size 3 for one night, what's the worst that can happen, a leak? I've also heard good things about cotsco diapers for poop explosions so maybe they help with holding pee as well.
  • Also maybe try a few other brands to see if there's one that's perfect for your situation. We use all different kinds that were given to us at my shower and dh's diaper party. I didn't like pampers at first when my Lo was super skinny because they leaked. Now they're fine.
  • Lex703Lex703 member
    imageMrs MoJoRisin:
    Might not help either if its too big around the leg. Sorry! Maybe try putting the diaper up higher in the back, if she still sleeps on her back

  • Not being a jerk but are you sure you are putting the diaper on tight enough? Sometimes that's the issue. Make sure you've unfolded the leg flaps and that its sitting correctly on your daughter.
  • I have heard some people have better luck with Huggies for girls.  

    I have a boy and didn't prefer the Pampers Baby Dry to the Swaddlers.  

  • thanks all for the suggestions: i think im putting the diapers on correctly, unfolding the flaps, pulling it tight, making sure it's up high enough in the back, ect.  and she is still sleeping on her back.  as far as i can tell, it's an absorbancy issue.  i think i might try the pampers again tonight, and if unsuccessful, i'll give huggies a whirl.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I use bumGenius cloth diapers at night. you can ad more inserts if you need too. no leaks yet. and my little guy is almost 16 pounds at 3 months.


  • tig594tig594 member
    I feel for you.  My DD is a peeing machine and I swear her diaper is always wet no matter how often I change her.  She is still waking at night every 3-5 hours to eat so I change her then, too.  I'm still working through all the diaper brands I got at my shower and the only ones I hated were Luvs due to leaks and blow outs.  I couldn't imagine going up to 11-12 hours and not changing her.  There is no way I'd let her sit in a wet diaper that long whether she's sleeping or not. 
  • Huggies overnights are wonderful.





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  • I tried Pampers, Huggies, and Luvs with my DD. She was leaking or blowing out in Pampers. We have been using Luvs and they seem to work best for her. Haven't had a blow out or leak yet! Before I had a baby, I thought they were cheap and not worth trying, but I love them now! Huggies were okay, had a couple blow outs though. Luvs work for us.
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