March 2013 Moms

bedtime story

My dd either just passes out or sometimes screams till she passes out.  She falls asleep anywhere from 730 to 830.  Her bedtime is 8pm. She has her bottle and then is down for the count.  I have every intention of reading her bedtime stories but so far it hasn't really happened. She likes being snuggled and hummed to or if she is sleepy already then i just put her in her bassinet and she falls asleep on her own.

 I was asked the other day what story I read her the night before.  I said that she fell asleep so I didn't get a chance to.  It kinda made me feel bad that I haven't been reading her a bedtime story.  How many of you read a bedtime story every night? 

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Re: bedtime story

  • We don't yet. I can't remember when we started with DS1. We tried fairly early and he screamed like a maniac. Once we officially started, he LOVED it and now, at 3, likes books a million times more than he likes any toy or game. So, I'm not super concerned. I'll probably try with DS2 in a month or two (whenever we get this whole 2-kids-to-bed thing down). I will occasionally read with him during the day, though.
  • not me.  I am the same as you, have every intention of it, but it just doesn't really fit into our schedule.  DD usually falls asleep while nursing, or shortly after, and it's usually around 8:00 - lately we have been eating dinner right after she falls asleep so she just lays in her boppy on the couch until we go back to bed then she goes in her RNP.  I used to try and read to her while I nursed her (when I was dream feeding her) but she usually fell asleep before I could even get through a book.  So yeah, not happening yet for us!
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  • I read to dd2 between her second to last night feeding and bath. Not planned really, that's just when we generally have downtime. When it's bedtime she's done and wants nothing to do with anything but the boob lol
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  • Yeah, I intended to do a story during bedtime routine while breastfeeding him, but lately he has been a nightmare and screams on and off while I feed him. . . so that's not happening yet. Don't worry about it, there is plenty of time for bedtime stories later on.
  • DH reads a story while I feed him before bed. It's fun and a nice family time.
  • imageLitasail:
    DH reads a story while I feed him before bed. It's fun and a nice family time.

     That's a great idea! It's so hard to read while feeding (wouldn't it be nice if we had 3 or 4 arms instead of 2?), and that is a great family activity!

  • I tried too but my baby wasn't having it. I will try again in a month or two. We have a pretty good bedtime routin and she is just to little to enjoy a story. I have read to her during the day but it doesn't last very long.
    Jenny DiLo
  • I read to DD #1 every night and DD#2 sits in her vibrating seat. If #2 is awake when I finish reading to #1 then we get down on the floor and read one last book to #2
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