I am 7 weeks pregnant and next week I go in for my first OBGYN visit. This is my second. My first was a CS due to low fluid. I am planning to do a repeated CS, and I am wondering can I doctor tell me no? My last OBGYN was not happy I had a CS and yelled at me day before the procedure.
I want to push for repeated CS and I am afraid the docs will say no. What is your experience?
thanks very much.
Re: Question from a lurker
Who did your c-section if your OB was mad you got one? Did you need one or opt for one?
Of course you have a choice in the matter, but why not VBAC if you're a candidate.
Gotcha. I understand where your OB's coming from, then. I had an unscheduled c-section, and can't ever imagine being "more comfortable" with being sliced open.
I'm confused... your OB yelled at you for getting the c/s the day before you did it?? Or is that a typo? Did your OB not want to do it and you went to another OB to have it done?
It's your body and your decision. There are risks to c/s and vbac and if you are dead set on one decision then you need to find an OB to support you. I personally think it's absurd that people who push their OBs for VBACs even when their OBs don't support them are saints and SOOOOO super duper strong. But when you decide you are more comfortable with a RCS you are "taking surgery lightly".
I think that if someone can vbac, it doesn't make sense to undergo surgery. That's just me and my opinion though.
Sorry to not be clear. My dd at 39 weeks stopped moving. I went to L&D and they watched me and the baby. They offered me a choice, C section or a induction. I choose the c section. After DD came out they told me I made the right choice, since her fluid was very low and she wound not have made it thru an induction.
My ob called me that night and was telling how she thinks I made the wrong decision and I chose at that time to have another doc do the procedure. Since then she has appologized and is not my doc any longer.
This time I am hoping for a repeated c section, since I think it is a better option for me. I will look a for doc that support this. Thanks again and sorry if I caused a problem. I read that a lot of doc now think repeated c section is in a lot of cases safer for mom and baby than a VBAC.
Wow. I'm sorry about the experience you had with your previous OB! I also had a CS due to extremely low amniotic fluid and found out during a routine appointment. I was just under 40 weeks and had no signs of labor so my OB (and the OB on call) recommended that I have a CS instead of induction. They were concerned that my baby might not take the stress of an induction well.
I am currently scheduled for a RCS even though my OB thought I could try for VBAC. I've consulted with her and the OB that did my previous CS and both were supportive of the RCS option.
If you want a RCS, I don't think you'd have a hard time finding an OB that supports it. Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling more comfortable having an RCS. To me, it seems natural to feel more comfortable with what you know.
The third time was the charm!
BFP #3 ~ 4.08.11 ~ EDD: 12.17.11 ~ DD born 12.13.11
BFP #2 - 8.04.10 - missed m/c discovered 8.31.10, d&c 9.02.10
BFP #1 - 5.20.10 - m/c 5.29.10 @ 5w6d
I doubt you will have to "push" for a repeat CS. Many hospitals will require you to have one.
Since you are still early in the pregnancy a doctor may tell you that they do not feel it is the best option for you and are not comfortable with it giving you time to find a new doctor. However, I sincerely doubt you will have much difficulty finding one willing to do it.
This. My new OB was totally comfortable with my choosing a RCS. I have no desire to try for a VBAC.
That is just obnoxious. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a vaginal birth after what I went through with my first and ended up having an emergency c section. Recovery was a breeze and yes, I got sliced opened but would do it all over again if it means I will have a healthy baby in my hands. By the way, csection is not the only way of getting sliced when you're giving birth so another reason why I will gladly opt for a csection again this time.
That is just obnoxious. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a vaginal birth after what I went through with my first and ended up having an emergency c section. Recovery was a breeze and yes, I got sliced opened but would do it all over again if it means I will have a healthy baby in my hands. By the way, csection is not the only way of getting sliced when you're giving birth so another reason why I will gladly opt for a csection again this time.
That is just obnoxious. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a vaginal birth after what I went through with my first and ended up having an emergency c section. Recovery was a breeze and yes, I got sliced opened but would do it all over again if it means I will have a healthy baby in my hands. By the way, csection is not the only way of getting sliced when you're giving birth so another reason why I will gladly opt for a csection again this time.