Eco-Friendly Family


Has anyone here used these products? Care to share how you liked them?


BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Melaleuca?

  • Usually i just lurk on this board and your post caught my eye. My mom sisters and aunt all use it and love it. Ill probably start using it for the natural cleaning products. Oh and the laundry detergent does in fact last forever
  • I would caution you to really look at the ingredients .. NOT the marketing and claims of being natural. Many of Melaleucas products do in fact, contain toxic chemicals but they don't tell you that. I nearly became a consultant myself until I did my homework! You can find out more info in my signature, but there are better companies out there who comply with guidelines issued by the Environmental Working Group EWG. Ava is the best and the safest and we guarantee it.
    Do you know what toxic chemicals are lurking in your current products? Check them at For fantastic skin, body, baby and home products WITHOUT hazardous chemicals, visit
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  • I'm not a consultant, and I dont plan to be. I have looked into their products. I just purchased some of the cleaning supplies and the detergent. So far I am very impressed with how they work and the ingredients are as they claim to be. 

    There are a few things I probably wont try. However, so far I am pleased.

    I will check out Ava products, thanks!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • **solicitation removed**
  • I used to be a member. Some of their products are good. Some aren't as natural as they claim. They are an MLM though, so be ware of that. It was ridiculously hard to stop the mandatory minimum boxes.
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  • Please forgive my ignorance but what is MLM? 



    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageTwinkler2011:

    Please forgive my ignorance but what is MLM? 




    "MLM" stands for Multi-Level-Marketing company -- generally a company that sells products direct to consumers via consultants, and that compensates its consultants based on sales and sales from other consultants that they sponsor into the organization. There are some notoriously "bad" MLM companies out there that focus on "sell sell sell" and "recruit recruit recruit" - and I'm proud to NOT be involved in one of those :)

    Do you know what toxic chemicals are lurking in your current products? Check them at For fantastic skin, body, baby and home products WITHOUT hazardous chemicals, visit
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